Monday, September 30, 2019

Criminology Theories-Differential Association and Strain Theory

In criminology, theories play an important role especially in understanding the settings, motivations, assets, behaviors and actions of criminals. These theories serve as their guidelines in order to detect and sometimes read the plans of their enemies. Unfortunately, these theories are not one hundred percent accurate, however, learning these aspects are still essential. Differential Association and Strain Theories are most commonly used in the field of criminology. These theories aim to explain the totality and the instinctive or social development of criminal ideation in a person.The theories mentioned are extremely necessary for authorities to understand and to be familiar with. Criminal Theories – Differential Association Theory vs. Strain Theory Theories in criminology tend to be unclear and lacking in justifiable broadness. The lack of clarity can sometimes end up in apparent inconsistencies, although more attention to the structure of a scientific theory and its requir ements might reveal more agreement among theorists than now recognized. In fact, rarely do available theories offer guidance that does not require heroic leaps of conjecture.Practicality is not a requirement of a valid theory since theories might be void but still of use. However, condition for a theory to be considered certifiable is none other than practicality. Criminology is the scientific study of crime; hence, theories need to have adequate basis in order to prove true and be considered useful. Another denotation of the term Criminology is the study of law making, law breaking and the response to law breaking. This definition of criminology is also a useful way to categorize the theories.Theories of law breaking are the most common and essential in the field of Criminology. The questions that usually come out is â€Å"why do people commit crime? † or â€Å"What makes countries more prone to crime than other? † These theories serve as the guide of practice and a p rotocol to assist the implementation of law and reading of crimes (Vito, Maahs & Holmes, 2007 p. 14). The research paper aims to describe specific theories and analyze its over-all concept as well as comparisons. The main theories highlighted in this paper are Differential Association Theory and Strain Theory.These theories are explained and scrutinized in order to obtain various points of essentials and utilize it in order to come up with a critical analysis of the said theories. The following are questions that are considered objectives of this research work. a. What are the theories of Differential Association Theory and Strain Theory? Discuss the concepts embedded in each theory and obtain the important data present. b. What are the comparisons and differentiations of the following theories? What are the important points to be noted in each theory?The research study does not deal with any under topics except for these theories. By the end of the paper, a conclusion regarding the over-all study is present. Differential Association Theory The Differential Theory has been brought by Edwin Sutherland, and this has been considered as one of the best constitutions in the field of criminology. The evolution of criminology and formation of this theory have started because of this man’s desire to have a new direction in the field of criminology. He has rejected the biological determinism and the extreme individualism of psychiatry, as well as economic explanations of crime.The need for money or resources is never a motivating factor for a person to commit a crime. Due to this curious out-searching, he has arrived in the theory of Differential Association Theory. Another term for this theory is the â€Å"Social Learning Theory†, wherein psycho-cognitive and analytic observations are implemented. Different association proposes that criminal associations and normative conflict vary across community types; hence, this variation is linked in the rationale for varying crime rates (Hoffman 2003). The concept of this theory states that delinquency is learned just as all other forms of behavior are learned.It implies that Different Association Theories are those associated in various factors such as changing community, the individual itself, the environment and family upbringing. These are the things that influence the person’s behavioral concept, and if not guided properly, criminal acts may be produced. Sutherland (1947) proposed that crime and delinquency are learned in small-group contexts through the acquisition of a preponderance of messages defining law-violating behavior as acceptable or appropriate. (Dennis & Neff, 2007)Moreover, this theory emphasizes on the genetic origins of criminal behavior, thus implying biological initiatives in crime control. In contrast to both classical and biological theories, Differential Association Theory poses no obvious threats to the humane treatment of those identified as criminals (Hoff man 2003). The conditions of this theory also suggests that the more frequent, intense, salient, and enduring a youth's exposure to prodelinquency definitions, the more likely they will be to adopt these definitions and to use them to rationalize or justify engaging in delinquent behavior.Delinquency stems from a positive identification with law-violating behavior learned in interaction within primary groups, which is an exact opposite of strain-induced negative emotions (Dennis & Neff, 2007). Testing Theory Validity According to the journal of Van Gundy and Rebellon (2006), differential association theory can be used in tracing out the behavior of crime acts in an individual. A test has been conducted in teenagers who are into use of Marijuana. Specifically, among respondents who reported using other illicit drugs in 1980, only 2.8% simultaneously reported that they had abstained from the use of marijuana in the same year.The researchers gathered these individuals and they obtain a n interview as well as drug sample from this group of people. The focus is too asses the origins of criminal behavior guided by the conditions of marijuana usage. According to the respondents who have been reported using drugs other than marijuana, the presence of moral attachments, commitments or involvements are either fragile, low or absent.It has been noted that these individuals have higher association with substance-using peers than do those who report abstaining from such drugs. These results suggest that variables derived from existing delinquency theory are capable of explaining about fifty percent of the relationship between prior marijuana use and other illicit drug use. In terms of differential association, the results obtained from the two controlled groups lies differently. The presence of reinforcement agents (peers, drug-using community, etc) and negative events are also being examined if these factors can directly affect the said behavior.It has been noted that the individuals who have been using other drugs aside from marijuana have intense negative feelings towards family, difficulties and other personal areas of their lives. On the other hand, the other group also manifests negative feelings; however, the difference is the degree and coping towards these causations. In the end of their experiment, the criminal behavior that develops in a person is not brought by economical needs or the problems itself but with the environment present around the client. Strain Theory Strain theory is another proposed subject in this argument.The theory of Strain suggests that a key motivational factor in delinquency and misconduct is strain, which is some perceived or actual state of discomfort. The strain of pursuing goals within diverse opportunity structures may lead to adaptations such as crime, delinquency, and other deviant behavior (Hoffman 2003). One example in this statement shows when a teenager desires for money, since the things that money can bu y–nice clothes, CDs, movies, and so on—and the lack of money causes inability to obtain such wants. This event now produces strain in the part of the teenager.This strain in turn leads to attempts to resolve the problem through theft (a direct attempt to resolve financial insolvency) or alcohol and drug use (an indirect attempt to deal with the shame of insolvency). Either way, the theory of strain works by the induction of psychological strain itself (Apel et. Al 2003). Another definition provided by Dennis and Neff (2007) supports the claims of Apel (2003). General strain theory (GST) suggests that delinquency results from a youth's emotional response to negative relationships with others.The negative relationships embody situations in which a youth fails to obtain a valued goal, loses something of value, or is presented with some type of noxious or aversive stimuli. Thus, a juvenile who is failing in school, or who loses contact with a parent due to abandonment or d eath, or who experiences some type of victimization can be said to be experiencing strain. The emotion of anger or frustration resulting from the experience of strain, rather than the strain itself, leads the youth to engage in law-violating behavior.The main point in this statement is the occurrence of strain is not directly the valued point of origin in the case of Stain theory. The reason behind is the power of a person to control or manipulate the situation is still present; however, if in case the person breaks down because of this strain experience, that is the time wherein a person manifests valiant and law-breaking actions. Moreover, different types of delinquency or crime results from different forms of adaptation to anomie-induced strain. Property crimes, such as theft, represented innovative adaptations.Using alcohol and other drugs, on the other hand, could be thought of as a retreatist mode of adaptation; i. e. , behavior that not only symbolically rejects the instituti onalized means to achieve a positive goal, but also rejects the goal itself (Dennis & Joan, 2007). Strain comes from various origins depending on the case situation of an individual. Not every case of a person entitles him in a single strain response but rather, multi-evident causations. Using alcohol and drugs, for example, can be considered forms of â€Å"self-medication,† which may provide a sense of relief.Often than not, financially or resource depressed societies are more likely to be populated by â€Å"strained† individuals. In this case, these communities suffer from more blocked opportunity structures. Hence these communities tend to create an atmosphere conducive to anger and frustration, key antecedents to delinquent behavior. Such kind of community breeds crime, as according to the theory, and acts of wrongdoing. Differential Association Theory vs. Strain Theory Differential theory by definition stated above originates from the intrinsic characteristic of a person, influenced by the individual’s environment and molding assists.The criminal behavior is primarily because of influence of those individuals who are also linked in the same act of criminal acts. A person learns to commit crimes little by little until a person commits it without any hesitation. The psychosocial environment greatly suggests such conditioners as the primary causation of crimes. The raise of crime rates are because of the instilled negative thoughts, inappropriate guidance and lack of attachments, commitments or relationships. On the other hand, Strain theory talks about the causation of crimes not directly because of strain but due to failure in tolerating these kinds of stimuli.They are both result of negative impregnation of environmental pressures that in the end leads the client vulnerable to breakdown. The theory suggests that a person performs acts of delinquency not because of attachments or relationships but rather because of the pressuring strai n. The crime rates, according to this theory, justify the increased criminal persona in places wherein financial depression or extreme difficulties are present. The last resort of the individuals is nothing but to commit crimes.In an example given, a person is ready to kill just to get the material possession that the person wants to acquire. We can determine some connections between the two since both of them are etiological conceptualizations of criminal behavior. In the case wherein, a depressed community is surrounding a person, significantly full of drug addicts and negative and influencers, a person still strives to obtain moral life. Let us say that this person has a good job as well as good family relationships. The strain in his job is greatly pressuring his everyday living.Fortunately, the person can still withstand such condition. However, because of the influence brought by the environment, such as the person’s peers, he begins declining his work productivity. Giv en a situation wherein his brothers are hospitalized and he just got fired from work, he badly needs money. In this case, the person breaks down and resort to theft. The situation calls forth occurrence of the two theories in simultaneous condition. The surrounding environment of the client influences the breeding of negative emotions, which cause the person to have fragile stand in his principles.The strain theory becomes evident when the strain of loosing a job and need for money enters in. In the end of the discussion, the person commits the crime based on influential factors as well as straining. Conclusion In conclusion, of this paper, the answer to the proposed questions in the introduction is properly addressed in the body of the research paper. The significance of such theory in criminology is the substantial or even estimated estimate analysis of the person’s criminal behavior origin.In such cases, the authorities require to learn such principles because this can hel p understand the motives, intentions and plans of the whole crime actions as well as the criminal itself. However, we should not be limited in these two theories alone since, human beings vary the same as their intentions and modes of focus. These theories are not applicable in other cases, therefore the best thing to do is to understand the whole concept of theory and at the same time train the assessment skills in order to avoid theoretical falsehood.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Results Based Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Results Based Leadership - Essay Example al traits like character knowledge and values, but by using the conventional wisdom that leaders use to connect the their attributes and results, it is possible to know an effective leader. Effective leaders in all organizations try to accomplish results, which will benefit employees, the organization, customers and investors of the business. Leaders need to have a vision, inspire workers and others, and work with integrity just to name a few attributes that everyone agrees a leader should have. However, effective leadership will connect these leadership attributes with results, which are the outcomes of outstanding leadership. If leaders do not clarify the outcomes they expect, there will be no measurement of success or failure in operations, and this undermines the effectiveness and profitability of the business. Effective leaders need to focus on results to ensure that they understand the impact their decisions and development strategies have on the stakeholders of their business. For a business to be successful in the competitive market, it has to provide benefit to its stakeholders so that they can be able to help the business grow. Leadership attributes are of importance to a business, as they will dictate how the organization deals with the stakeholders. Having a vision will enable the business to attract customers and investors since they will be confident that their needs will be met. Authenticity of the leader will assure the outside world that they can trust the business, and this improves the image of the business. The leader also needs to be knowledgeable and have the skills of ensuring that there is a proper link up between attributes and results since the proper mix of the two determines if the leader knows and delivers the expectations of the stakeholders of the business. Result based leadership meets the expectations of the customer by answering questions such as; who are the targeted customers? Why do they buy the company’s products? How can

Friday, September 27, 2019

Strategic Management in the Aviation Industry Essay - 1

Strategic Management in the Aviation Industry - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that apart from the issues within the companies’ scope, some industries are faced with concerns that tend to be beyond their control. Such topics globally affect the performance of an industry and all the industry’s firms must act in unison to overcome such crises for the overall benefit of the entire industry. In the analysis of the world economy, all industry players have to be taken into account and their niche is critically scrutinized to ensure the best position is reached at, and for the analysis to give the best position of an industry. This is due to the disparities in the diverse industries composing the world economy. Considering this, such analyses unearth inside make-up of these industries that assist in their in-depth knowledge. Consequently, this exhaustive understanding of such industries results in better positions for tackling the contentious issues and trending topics that affect the specific industries and ext end to the world economy. In light of this, an industry for consideration would be the aviation business. The aviation industry is composed of all companies, private or otherwise, that partake in the air transport. This includes both passenger travel and cargo freight. It is a rapidly growing industry and being the fastest means of transport, it is the most preferred by many. The airline industry is demarcated into various sub-sections consisting of commercial passenger transport, private charter firms, cargo freight companies and, more recently the introduction of emergency flying doctor services. Due to this, the delineation of boundaries for this industry poses a number of challenges to the industry players. As such, rifts may occur among industry players with each firm only associating themselves with their niche and generally avoiding interaction with others outside their scope. Considering this, the negative impact comes evident when a firm supposedly offers services in a nich e not considered its specialization. The other companies in that specialty would view this as territorial infringe. This often puts different industry players at war against each other. Moreover, the establishment of national airspace also sets an avenue for differences among countries.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Iraq and the Security Challenges Facing the US Essay

Iraq and the Security Challenges Facing the US - Essay Example It's the 21st century, the world is modernizing, and superpowers are helping developing countries develop. The UN, composed f members from most f the countries f the world, was founded to promote peace, security, and economic development throughout the world. As one of, if not the only, current superpower, the United States has an obligation to spread democracy throughout the world, mainly Iraq, as stabilizing the country would bring stability to the volatile Middle-East. The deposition f Saddam Hussein would clear the space for the Iraqi people to establish a truly democratic government and serve as a beacon and inspiration for the spread f democracy throughout the Islamic world. Saddam Hussein massacred his people, the Kurds, and even his own family members, yet he was supposedly elected by 99% f the population. This is the result f a dictatorship government where the people have little to no say. By establishing a democracy in Iraq the people would be bestowed the gift f freedom. We all remember watching the people f Iraq proudly waving their purple-dyed fingers in triumph after voting in their first real elections. Iraqis would have a constitutional democracy in the Arab world, and Americans would have a partner for peace and moderation in the Middle East. The Bush Administration was well aware f these facts, and thus this acted as the motivation for invading Iraq. Some make the argument that by spreading democracy in Iraq, we are doing nothing but imposing a foreign belief on a nation uninterested in this alien form f government. To this it could be said that democracy takes different forms in different cultures, successful free societies are built on common foundations f rule f law, freedom f speech, freedom f assembly, a free economy, and freedom f worship. These are fundamental rights that any nation or population can appreciate. Additionally, according to the "Democratic Domino theory", if and when democracy is established in Iraq, it would spread beyond the nation's borders to the other undemocratic countries f the region, leading to a stable and free Middle East. As President Bush declared, "All Iraqis must have a voice in the new government, and all citizens must have their rights protected." It would be hypocritical f the United States to praise its successful democratic government, but do nothing to promote it in other countries. Thus the spread and establishment f democracy was an absolute real motivation for the invasion f Iraq. To some this argument is flawed. They claim all this was propaganda promoted by the Bush Administration and used as a front to sell the war to the nation. Others, such as the chief foreign columnist f the New York Times, Thomas Friedman, believe the opposite. In a July 16 column entitled "Winning the Real War", Friedman hails the formation f an Iraqi "governing council," handpicked by the US colonial administrator L. Paul Bremer, as the real "liberation" f Iraq,

Story telling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Story telling - Essay Example The memories of my childhood days are nostalgic especially those with my grandfather. He is a man I will never forget for the positive impact he had in my life. In his young days, he was a pearl diver and later a fisherman. My grandfather was a man on his word and kept all the promises he made and only talked when he had something to say. He taught me on how to become a good listener and only talk when it is important. Ali was a strong man who was married to only one wife, twelve children, six boys and six girls. He wanted a great future for his children and that is why he ensured that they acquired education. According to Ritchie (27), education was not a priority during those days but my grandfather had a mindset of earlier generations. Staying around my grandfather impacted positively in me as I realized the value of education and being aggressive towards achieving my life goals. My grandfather had a unique way of showing love. He had an exemplary way of loving his wife and children. He loved me so much and always wanted to have me around when doing his work. He always said that he didn’t want his grandchildren to grow into lazy adults. He also trained his children to become independence so that they could be successful in life. My grandfather contributed a great deal to what I am today. I am able to love my family and take care of them just like my grandfather did. My grandfather had a character of not holding back in anything that came his way. He taught me to always go for what I want and never give up easily in life (Ritchie, 31). This is a character that I have always upheld even in my education, as well as, in all my workplaces. He described a person who gives up easily as a failure and that they will never be successful. In conclusion, the experience I always had with Ali was that it is important for any child to have a grandfather. His demise affected me strongly and still affects me to date. He was a friend and grandfather I will never

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Wal-Mart Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Wal-Mart - Assignment Example This power should not be misused but used judiciously to enhance operations and for the overall growth of the company. Management information is helpful so long as it helps in the decision process but in most cases the systems designer systematically neglects the decision that could be made from the information (Stern, 1970). Instead, it is used to analyze questions by manipulating the data. 2. Management Information Systems Stern (1970) defines management system as an â€Å"automated system, which presents information both internal and external to the business that aids in making a specific set of routine decisions†. Systems are often created with miscellaneous pieces of data but they are seldom used or sometimes even misused. MIS should force the system designer to work with the manager and specify the most relevant data needed. The information generated should help the manager in making better decisions and this difference should be measurable. The definition of MIS implies that it is not worth building an MIS system unless the managers are willing to use it. MIS has never been rightly used as a control system for better decisions. 3. Background – Wal-mart Wal-mart plays a significant role in the US economy. Founded by Sam Walton in 1962, it has grown from a single store to a mammoth international corporation. As of 2007 Wal-mart operated more than 3400 stores and is the largest employer in the United States (Basker, 2007). Its first store opened in 1988 as an experimental format. Wal-mart is the largest retailer in the world with its sales being larger than the sales of the three big retailers combined – Carrefour, Home Depot and Metro. It is the biggest retailer of jewelry and groceries in the United States (Dan, 2002). Twenty-four of all toothpaste is purchased at Wal-mart’s (Dan, 2002). Wal-mart own 18 Lear-jets and employs 60 pilots. Wal-mart’s success is attributed to its expert logistics system and its cost-conscious â€Å"corporate culture† (Basker & Noel, 2009). 4. Importance of MIS for Wal-mart Wal-mart was an early adopter of technology and information system. Wal-mart achieved competitive advant age by being a leader in adopting technology in its operations (Basker, 2007). Wal-mart has three basic philosophies behind their Information system – they run a centralized information system from Arkansas for all their operations; they have common systems and common platforms and their third philosophy is to be merchants first and technologists second (Lundberg, 2002). They allow a great deal of flexibility as well so that people in the local markets can adapt to local situations. Wal-mart defines it success with the customer and everyone at Wal-mart has the same definition of success. Wal-mart believes that their merchants, suppliers, customers and business leaders must have access to information as this helps them to better understand the needs of tomorrow (Rollin, 2008). It has technological edge in inventory control, logistics and distribution. All its stores and distribution centers are connected to the company headquarters through computer network. Wal-mart was also a n early adopted of bar-code technology which reduced the labor cost of processing shipments. The software – Retail Link – helped to bring the suppliers close to the individual stores

Monday, September 23, 2019

Make vs Buy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Make vs Buy - Assignment Example The restaurant is intended to sell diverse products, which include buffet, pizza, soup, sauces and desserts. In addition, the restaurant will have a self-service soda bar. Although there are other companies such as McDonalds serving the area, the prices of their products are not affordable to most people in Florida. Moreover, these companies do not have physical locations in the area but rely on suppliers. This means that Papa Geo has the potential of competing effectively in the market and possibly gaining competitive advantage (Jeffries & McGrath, 2008). The fact that the products of the company are rare in the market consequently highly demand makes the company more competitive. This will ensure that the company records high sales volume. Moreover, the company will register high sales volume because they produce variety, which gives consumers the ability and freedom of choice. Finally, the company strategy is effective because it attracts children too, which will boost sales since it will be assumed to a family restaurant (Jeffries & McGrath, 2008). The offers given by financial lending institution will be enough in setting up the business and repayment period is reasonable, which will grant the owner the opportunity to repay comfortably. Therefore, the business can be set up but it requires effective analysis and forecasting due to uncertainties in the business environment. Proper financial budgetary planning is fundamental in achieving the company’s strategy. Sale forecast forms the most critical part of this budget proposal because, it is through proper and accurate forecasts in sales that the entrepreneur would be able to determine the amount to repay either in monthly or annual basis. The above sales forecasts are made with the assumptions that one unit in the company goes at $7, and each individual in the 15-minute area purchases one unit

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Answer five questions that explore key concepts, theories, and ideas Assignment

Answer five questions that explore key concepts, theories, and ideas that have been explored in the lectures and in the required readings - Assignment Example Analysis with consideration of a particular point of view is expressed through lightings of the film, sets, colour and the costumes used. In the film All That Heaven Allows, the dependence is on artificial set up that reflects false reality in terms of using the technique of colours. Colours that are used in the film holds, meanings and different moods as brought out in the film. There are a number of possible pleasures that are offered in films as brought out by Laura Mulvey. One pleasure brought out is scopophilia that is practiced by the audience that are watching the film and the characters in the film. According to her, the film screen that is watched by the audience acts as a mirror through which the audience are able to see the fictional bodies of human reflected on the screen. Through this, scopophilic pleasure in Cinemas comes about from using another person as an object of sexual stimulation through the view and identification (Makkai, 2013). In the film; Vertigo, the pleasure is illustrated through the argument that ego of male is split in the case of Scottie who is feminized through the identification that he makes with Judy. In the film, there is no demonstration of active male spectatorship but the pictures of the male spectator and therefore it is revealed that fascination of femininity that throws masculine identity into question and also to crisis. Scottie’s character is brought out under deem lighting and behind objects when he is spying on Madeleine showing a weak male character in the film (Makkai, 2013). Through the theories, there are approaches that are given to theatre as an art and are brought out as self-conscious of its own performativity. The theory also brings theatre as art being a complete turnaround from theatre that is more realistic. He called his approach epic theatre contrary to dramatic theatre that he created (Martin & Bial, 2000). In epic theatre, a

Saturday, September 21, 2019

City and Farm Life Essay Example for Free

City and Farm Life Essay Comparing and contrasting city and farm life has been a common theme of situation comedies, movies as well as novels for decades. Many people find themselves, at some point, questioning the advantages of living on a farm life to living in the city. While a case can be made for both locations as to which is the best place to live, it is vital to consider how the options, farm life versus city life, are similar as well as different. There are a number of ways to make such comparisons that include firsthand experience of each type of the city and farm living environments. One such contrast is that people living farm lives and those living city lives have different social constructs as far as health and physical activities are concerned. This is as a result of the various social circumstances of the communities in addition to the locations in which they reside. People living farm lives, live a typical farming or country life as compared to those living in the cities (Smith 1). Living a city life often has the advantage of sufficient access to health services, recreational facilities in addition to having relatively sufficient health education in comparison to farm life. see more:city life vs country life essay People living in the city have therefore an advantage of health benefits, developed knowledge of physical activities, are exposed to health promotion campaigns in addition to having higher socio-economic status. All these factors have contributed to people living a city lives experiencing superior health compared to those living farm lives (Recomparison 1). Another key issue to be considered in any comparison between city and farm life is the quality of life. People living city lives have many more choices they can make regarding various aspects of their day-to-day lives. For example, people living city lives are more likely to find various kinds of foods and this could probably result in overall good health as there is greater diversity in terms of diet. Moreover, those living city lives enjoy opportunities to take a great number of social events since they always have a long list to choose from. As a result of this, they always have an opportunity to get more cultured and therefore more likely to meet other people from other cultural and ethnic groups. Parents have also many options available for their childrens education and can always pick from a long list of both private and public schools, which results in potential for better education. It is also important to note that city life offer their residents the opportunity to choose from a wide range of job options in a number of companies or organizations. On the other hand, people living farm lives do not enjoy same level of choices and in very remote areas one may forced to walk for long distances (Recomparison 1). Another contrast between city and farm life is their surrounding environment. Farm life is often best described as a more peaceful as well as a healthy way of living. For example, farm life offers residents an opportunity to take pleasure in the natural world instead of having to go to places such as parks. Individuals are surrounded by the gifts of nature such as trees, sun, wind, animals, natural cycles etc. Moreover, people living farm lives do not have to struggle with the every day stresses associated with city life, for instance getting stuck in traffic, coping with high crime rates, and in most cases, having to pay higher taxes. The absence such stressors are known to have a significant effect on the overall quality of life. Alternatively, city life is often portrayed as fast-paced, modern, polluted, and full of work pressure as well as financial pressure (Recomparison 1). On the whole, if there is any testimonial to be made regarding the quality of life in the farm, it is that, there is high probability to connect with the people as well as the landscape. However, one similarity between farm life and city life is that both entail a high level of socialization, even though on a cursory level E-how 1). The discrepancy of what an individual wants and needs has also something to do with where they are to be found. Individuals living a farm life identify as well as prioritize their needs much more than their wants. They are therefore familiar with what is essential for them to live a standard of living further different from others and closer to natural cycles that gives priority to things that are of greater im portance. Their wants are simple and they do not cling to the life they cannot afford. On the other hand, with the attractive as well as the competition inducing advertisements they watch on television along with the peer persuasions that urge them to acquire specific items, one cannot avoid feeling pressured to possess the items. City is therefore more complicated as compared to the farm life (E-how 1). Lastly, a contrast between city and farm life can be seen in the types of housing available. In general, city residents have choices of living in apartments, townhouses and condominium. In contrast, those living farm lives often have housing options that includes mobile homes, single family detached homes in addition to the low-rise apartment building.Moreover; housing is more often than not cheaper for those living farm lives due to decreased demand (Herlihy 1). Conclusion As a conclusion, both city and farm lives have their own draw backs which form the basis of their contrasts. Thus, individuals ought to think carefully before making decisions to live in the city or live a farm life since its their decisions that bring differences in their lives.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited

Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited, Indias largest pharmaceutical company, is an integrated, research based, international pharmaceutical company, producing a wide range of quality, affordable generic medicines, trusted by healthcare professionals and patients across geographies. Ranked 8th amongst the global generic pharmaceutical companies, Ranbaxy today has a presence in 23 of the top 25 pharmaceutical markets of the world. The Company has a global footprint in 49 countries, world-class manufacturing facilities in 11 countries and serves customers in over 125 countries. In June 2008, Ranbaxy entered into an alliance with one of the largest Japanese innovator companies, Daiichi Sankyo Company Ltd., to create an innovator and generic pharmaceutical powerhouse. The combined entity now ranks among the top 15 pharmaceutical companies, globally. The transformational deal will place Ranbaxy in a higher growth trajectory and it will emerge stronger in terms of its global reach and in its capabilities in drug development and manufacturing. Financials Ranbaxy was incorporated in 1961 and went public in 1973. For the year 2008, the Company recorded Global Sales of US $ 1,682 Mn, reflecting a growth of 4%. The Company has a balanced mix of revenues from emerging and developed markets that contribute 54% and 39% respectively. In 2008, North America, the Companys largest market contributed sales of US $ 449 Mn, followed by Europe garnering US $ 330 Mn. Business in Asia is going strong with India clocking sales of around US $ 300 Mn with market leadership in several business segments, backed by strong brand-building skills. Products Using the finest RD and Manufacturing facilities, Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited manufacture and markets generic pharmaceuticals, value added generic pharmaceuticals, branded generics, active Pharmaceuticals (API) and intermediates. The Company remains focused on ascending the value chain in the marketing of pharmaceutical substances and is determined to bring in increased revenues from dosage forms sales. Ranbaxys diverse product basket of over 5,000 SKUs available in over 125 countries worldwide, encompasses a wide therapeutic mix covering a majority of the chronic and acute segments. Healthcare trends project that the chronic treatment segments will outpace the acute treatment segments, primarily driven by a growing aging population and dominance of lifestyle diseases. Our robust performance in Cardiovasculars, Central Nervous System, Respiratory, Dermatology, Orthopedics, Nutritionals and Urology segments, clearly indicates that the Company has strengthened its presence in the fast-growing chronic and lifestyle disease segments. Introduction to the industry The Indian pharmaceutical industry currently tops the chart amongst Indias science-based industries with wide ranging capabilities in the complex field of drug manufacture and technology. A highly organized sector, the Indian pharmaceutical industry is estimated to be worth $ 4.5 billion, growing at about 8 to 9 percent annually. It ranks very high amongst all the third world countries, in terms of technology, quality and the vast range of medicines that are manufactured. It ranges from simple headache pills to sophisticated antibiotics and complex cardiac compounds; almost every type of medicine is now made in the Indian pharmaceutical industry. The Indian pharmaceutical sector is highly fragmented with more than 20,000 registered units. It has expanded drastically in the last two decades. The Pharmaceutical and Chemical industry in India is an extremely fragmented market with severe price competition and government price control. The Pharmaceutical industry in India meets around 70% of the countrys demand for bulk drugs, drug intermediates, pharmaceutical formulations, chemicals, tablets, capsules, orals and injectibles. There are approximately 250 large units and about 8000 Small Scale Units, which form the core of the pharmaceutical industry in India (including 5 Central Public Sector Units). Company analysis:-Key Strengths Company growing faster than the market. One of the largest distribution networks that comprises 2500+ skilled field force. Dedicated task forces for specialized chronic therapies A strong player in the NDDS segment. Key brands include Cifran OD (Ciprofloxacin), Zanocin OD (Ofloxacin) Sporidex AF (Cephalexin) Strong brand building capabilities, reflected in the fact that around 20 brands feature in the Top-300 brands of the Industry list. Leading brands are Sporidex (Cephalexin), Cifran (Ciprofloxacin), Mox (Amoxycillin), Zanocin (Ofloxacin) Volini (Diclofenac) A well-built customer interface, with one of the highest customer coverage across India, and an excellent franchise with both Generalists Specialists. This is proven by Ranbaxy Indias Corporate Image being perceived as Best-in-Class by customers (source: AC Nielsen ORG MARG Report, June 2004) Great emphasis is placed on Knowledge Management and Medico-marketing initiatives such as Advisory Board Meetings, Post Marketing Surveillance Studies and Continuous Medical Education programs. These have resulted in an excellent customer relationship with the medical fraternity. More than 2000 interface programs (Symposia, CMEs) are conducted and about 20 Clinical Papers published annually With a futuristic approach, the India operations attempt to capitalize on the fast- emerging, high-growth segments with innovative products and services: A slew of products have been launched in the Dermatology segment: Suncross (Sunscreen lotion), Sotret (Isotretnoin), Eflora (Eflornithine). Anti-diabetic franchise has been further consolidated with launch of Insucare (Insulin) with an innovative delivery mechanism Controlled Insulin Logistics This ensures that the cold chain, vital for product efficacy, is maintained. Dividend Payout Analysis:- Indicates the proportion of earnings that are used to pay dividends to shareholders. Ranbaxy laboratories dividend payout ratio is comparative reduced from the previous days, in other words they pay a dividend to its shareholders. This is the case for most high growth firms; their profits are better spent by reinvesting in the firms activities rather than as a cash payout to shareholders. In fact a majority of corporations have elected to pay out less of their earnings as dividends, perhaps because corporate rates of return on reinvested capital are higher these days, but it could also be that dividends are doubly taxed in some jurisdictions. The DPR measures what a companys pays out to Investors in the form of dividends, in this year dividends are not paid to the share holders. As per the data the DPR is comes to 60.06 from 94. Return on Equity Analysis: Sometimes ROE is referred to as Stockholders return on investment, it tells the rate that shareholders are earning on their shares. Ranbaxy laboratories are earning a very respectable growth rate on shareholders equity. Companies that generate high returns relative to their shareholders equity are companies that pay their shareholders off handsomely, creating substantial assets for each money invested. These businesses are more than likely self-funding companies that require no additional debt or equity investments.Return on net worth or equity (ROE) is a second useful profitability ratio. If we are getting from investing our own money in the business. If this return is less than the return we could obtain from an equal or less risky investment, then there is a good economic argument that we should leave farming and invest elsewhere. In the case of Ranbaxy laboratories, the ROE is not as good or at their esteemed level because of the earning of the company. The revenue or profit is g enerated in the current financial year is in the diminishing level EPS Analysis: The earnings per share ratio are mainly useful for companies with publicly traded shares. Most companies will quote the earnings per share in their financial statements saving you from having to calculate it yourself. By itself, EPS doesnt really tell you a whole lot. But if you compare it to the EPS from a previous quarter or year it indicates the rate of growth at companies earnings are growing (on a per share basis). Ranbaxy laboratories EPS have decreased almost 16.56 to -24.85 since last year; it is not an excellent growth rate for the company. Some analysts like to use â€Å"projected† EPS to analyze a stocks current value in respect to these estimates. Share Market Analysis: Ranbaxy Labs good for long term investment. There are some issues which are a big concern for the company, however, as the stock markets will stabilize, the Ranbaxy stock will also bounce back. Ranbaxy Labs has shown decent growth in the past five years. The company has presence in all major markets across the world. The stock used to be a safe bet for last many years. Things havent changed in terms of the business of the company; however, much has changed in the stock markets. Investors are worried about the future of the company. And they have a reason to worry; the stock hasnt offered the returns everyone expected. The results may be announced by the end of this month and long investors can think of entering the stock at lower levels. Stock Watch expects the stock to touch 350 400 levels within a year. The target has been estimated after evaluation of various factors including the business model; US market status and company valuations. The recent fall in the stock price is mainly due to bad news about the company in recent times. Things should start improving after three months as the stock bottoms out. Cash rich Japanese parent will support Ranbaxy and the company will offer decent returns. Investors can start accumulating the stock in range Rs 200 220. The rate RLL Sell/Medium Risk (3M) with a target price of Rs357.40. I expect the stocks valuations to move in line with the sentiment toward the sector, key to which are price expectations, progress on deregulation, and government decisions on the taxation part of the pharma industry. Analysis about the overall management of the company:- 2Q09 turns into profit, guidance maintained: Ranbaxys 2Q09 net profit of Rs6.93bn includes pre-tax gain of Rs8.1bn on hedges and Rs1.9bn on loans. Excluding these adjusted net profit is c. Rs370mn (company estimate of Rs633m) cf. our estimated loss of Rs230mn. Sales were higher at Rs17.9bn (our estimate Rs16.5bn) due to better performance in India and US. EBITDA margin reported at c.7% includes operational forex gain of Rs716mn, termination amount paid to Mr. Singh (Rs480m) and income from settlement with Teva Rs550m. Company has maintained its guidance of no profits for CY09. Sales trend unchanged: Sales decline 2% YoY in Re terms, 16% in $. US, EU, CIS and Brazil are down in $ terms. India grew at 21% in Re terms on back of 28 new product launches and tender sales. Newly acquired brands from Ochoa in pain and dermatology segment (full year sales of c.Rs300m) have not contributed yet. Growth across markets in constant currency is similar to 1Q09 YoY trend due to inventory de-stocking. US beat our expectation due to sumatriptan contribution. Mgt guided to a run-rate of $50m for US for 2H09. Costs are still high: 2Q09 cost of sales as % to sales at 62.4% is much higher than estimated and 58.6% seen in 1Q09. This could be due to ongoing overheads at Poanta without revenue contribution. SGA expenses ex-termination amount are in line with estimate. One major issue in mind of investors in the exit of promoters. Promoters have sold their stake to Pharmaceutical major Daiichi from Japan. Technical experts believe the issues in US markets and pending litigations are behind the promoters exit. The future of Ranbaxy will now depend on the plans Japanese company has for Ranbaxy. The parent company hasnt given any solid statement about the future plans for Ranbaxy. Once the announcements are made, investor sentiment will turn positive. Industry analysis: Porter 5 force model Todays business environment is extremely competitive and in economics parlance where perfect competition exists, the profits of the firms operating in that industry will become zero. However, this is not possible because, firstly no company is a price taker (i.e. no company will operate where profits are zero). Secondly, they strive to create a competitive advantage to thrive in the competitive scenario. Michael Porter, considered to be one of the foremost gurus of management, developed the famous five-force model, which influences an industry. Industry competition Pharma industry is one of the most competitive industries in the country with as many as 10,000 different players fighting for the same pie. The rivalry in the industry can be gauged from the fact that the top player in the country has only 6% market share, and the top five players together have about 18% market share. Many smaller players that are focused on a particular region have a better hang of the distribution channel, making it easier to succeed, albeit in a limited way. An important fact is that pharmacy is a stable market and its growth rate generally tracks the economic growth of the country with some multiple (1.2 times average in India). The product differentiation is one key factor, which gives competitive advantage to the firms in any industry. However, in pharmacy industry product differentiation is not possible since India has followed process patents till date, with laws favoring imitators. Going forward, we foresee increasing competition in the industry but the form of competition will be different. Economies of scale will play an important part too. Last but not the least, in a vast country of Indias size, government too will have bigger role to play. Bargaining power of buyers The unique feature of pharmacy industry is that the end user of the product is different from the influencer (read doctor). The consumer has no choice but to buy what doctor says. However, when we look at the buyers power, we look at the influence they have on the prices of the product. Bargaining power of suppliers The pharmacy industry depends upon several organic chemicals. The chemical industry is again very competitive and fragmented. The suppliers have very low bargaining power and the companies in the pharma industry can switch from their suppliers without incurring a very high cost. Companies like Orchid Chemicals and Sashun Chemicals were basically chemical companies, who turned themselves into pharmaceutical companies. Barriers to entry Pharma industry is one of the most easily accessible industries for an entrepreneur in India. The capital requirement for the industry is very low; creating a regional distribution network is easy, since the point of sales is restricted in this industry in India. The barriers to entry will increase going forward. The change in the patent regime will see new proprietary products coming up, making imitation difficult. The players with huge capacity will be able to influence substantial power on the fringe players by their aggressive pricing which will create hindrance for the smaller players. Threat of substitutes One of the key reasons for high competitiveness in the industry is that as an ongoing concern, pharma industry seems to have an infinite future. In the Indian context, companies like Cipla and Glaxo are likely to be key players. Though consolidation within the current big names is not ruled out. Smaller fringe players, who have no differentiating strengths, are likely to either be acquired or cease to exist. Economic analysis:- Monetary policy affected pharma industry:-The excise duty reduction on pharmaceuticals is unlikely to have any effect on the prices of medicines as the government has, in a parallel move, decided to cut the abatement rate for calculation of MRP based excise duty on pharmaceuticals. The Finance Ministry, in a move to rationalize abatement rates, has brought down the 42.5 per cent abatement enjoyed by the drugs industry to 35 per cent. Almost all domestic majors such as Ranbaxy, Dr Reddys and Cipla and multinationals like GSK and Johnson and Johnson have either own units in hill states, or rely on contract manufacturers in the hill states for production for the domestic market. Budget: THE BUDGET presented by Finance Minister has brought cheers for pharmaceutical companies. In the current financial year excise duty of 4 per cent has been retained while custom duty has been lowered on some vital life saving drugs and heart contrivances. The present budget has made an important provision to reduce custom duty from 10 per cent to 5 per cent on medicines and bulk drugs and 7.5 per cent to 5 per cent on life saving devices particularly related to cardiac diseases. With reduction in custom duty on certain selected life saving drugs, the prices of 9 particular drugs that are used for the treatment of fatal ailments namely cancer, HIV,hepatiits b are expected to be slashed. In addition to this, the prices of two vital heart devices are also expected to come down. MD of Ranbaxy laboratories also sounded positive with the provisions for Pharma Company in the new budget, he said, Though there were no big moves for pharma, increased government spending on healthcare will have a positive impact. Extension for scope of provisions relating to weighed deduction of 150 per cent on expenditure incurred on in house RD to all manufacturing business is a positive move. Role of Pharmaceutical Industry in India GDP-Facts The Pharmaceutical Industry in India is one of the largest in the world It ranks 4th in the world, pertaining to the volume of sales The estimated worth of the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry is US$ 6 billion The growth rate of the industry is 13% per year The Pharma Industry in India produces around 20% to 24% of the global generic drugs The Indian Pharma sector leads the science-based industries in the country Around 40% of the total pharmaceutical produce is exported The Indian Pharma Industry includes small scaled, medium scaled, large scaled players, which totals nearly 300 different companies There are several other small units operating in the domestic sector As per the present growth rate, the Indian Pharma Industry is expected to be a US$ 20 billion industry by the year 2015 With the large concentration of multinational pharmaceutical companies in India, it becomes easier to attract foreign direct investments The Pharma industry in India is one of the major foreign direct investments encouraging sectors Foreign direct investment:-The Indian pharmaceutical industry has been a successful player in global markets over the last couple of decades. Along with sectors like software and autoauxiliaries, it has spearheaded Indias progress in knowledge intensive and technologically sophisticated markets (Ramachandran et. al, 2006). It contributes to 8% of world production by volume and 1.5% by value (Aggarwal, 2004). It is a highly fragmented industry with more than 20,000 registered units (Indian Pharmaceutical Industry: An Overview, n.d.). It is becoming a major force in outsourced clinical research and has almost 74 U.S. FDA approved manufacturing facilities, the most for any country outside the US (Pharmaceuticals in India. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Investment and portfolio analysis; third edition, Prasana Chandra

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Importance of the Cloak in Homer’s Odyssey :: Homer, Odyssey Essays

The Importance of the Cloak in Homer’s Odyssey      Ã‚   Near the end of the fourteenth chapter of Homer's Odyssey, the main character, Odysseus, announces that he is about to tell a story to his swineherd, Eumaeus, and several other workers inside the swineherd's hut. Odysseus warns the men that his story is the result of his drinking with them, but the story is actually a test of his swineherd's character. Disguised as Castor's son, a rag-wearing beggar with no possessions, he tells the men a story about fighting alongside the man who, secretly, he really is. Homer emphasizes Odysseus' great mind when he acts the part to its entirety even when his own story is twisted to today's reader. In the tale, his fellow soldier at Troy, Odysseus, is able to manipulate another soldier into taking a request for reinforcements so that Castor's son can sleep under the departing messenger's cloak.    Both in his story and within the hut, Odysseus is the manipulative character, and the ultimate outcome of both is the temporary use of a cloak for Castor's son to sleep under. Knowing the limited resources of the swineherd and his own abundance of cloaks at home, Odysseus frames his story so that the swineherd would consider lending his guest the use of a cloak rather than telling a tale with a moral of being generous and gift giving. The swineherd is able to show his guest hospitality yet face no loss by the lending of a cloak. This insight shows the maturity and development that Odysseus has experienced along his journey home; a younger and less experienced Odysseus may not have considered the importance of the difference between lending and giving when the host is a man he employs.    For twenty years Odysseus was away from his home of Ithaca, and in this time he faced several events that would change the way he would see the world. Witnessing such events as the breaking open of six of his innocent soldiers' skulls by a Cyclops (Homer 132) and the feeding of another six of his men to a six-headed beast (Homer 186) played a large part of the changed man that returned. Though a changed Odysseus awoke on the beach of Ithaca, he would have to force all the lessons of two decades out of his personality and into the efforts to regain his life; he would need to use the strength he gained from his experiences to conceal his identity behind a mask of weakness.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Metro Manila Film Festival: Taste of Filipino Movies on Christmas Essay

While the children are very busy collecting their gifts from their godparents, actors and film staffs are also busy creating such wondrous movie as their entry to the Metro Manila Film Festival. MMFF as its shortened name, it is the annual celebration of the Filipino talents in the movie industry. Usually held during the Christmas season, it recognizes the role of the film industry in providing artistic depictions of the Philippine stories and history. And as the time passes by, Metro Manila Film Festival has become part of the Filipino’s yearly celebration of Christmas. Before the films are being sent to various cinemas nationwide, giant floats of them will be rounding the Pasay Rotonda first. The floats are made portraying the setting of the actual movie. For instance, if a certain horror movie is set in a haunted house, then its float will be like a house with an eerie design. In general, all the floats are decorative implying the effort of the people behind those artworks. People are truly enjoying the caravan not only because of the enormous and colorful floats they see but also for the chance to glance at their favorite celebrities. In order to have evidence of achieving their dreams, they will surely take pictures of them. The casts, on the other hand, are usually on top, shining their eyes and swaying their hands to welcome the people. Their sweet smiles and heart-warming yells throughout the procession somewhat convince the people to watch their pompous creations. Moreover, they throw some giveaways such as t-shirts and posters which may he lp to attract the people’s attention. All are appreciating every single moment of the event. Normally, the first day of the film viewing is placed on Christmas. Imagine how clever pro... ...ovie itself. As the time goes by, movies become more imaginative signifying the rich and brilliant minds of ‘Pinoys’. They are devoted to their profession, trying to reach perfection. After all, they will gather all the gifts of their hardships. Filipino film industry is very significant among them just as how important the Christmas is. Furthermore, it is as colorful as the Christmas celebration of the Filipino community. Works Cited â€Å"The 39th Metro Manila Film Festival†. Metro Manila Film Festival. MMDA. 2012. 22 Dec. 2013 â€Å"2012 Metro Manila Film Festival†. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 28 Dec. 2013. 28 Dec. 2013 â€Å"2013 Metro Manila Film Festival†. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 29 Dec. 2013. 29 Dec. 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Hybrid Cars :: essays research papers

Hybrid Cars There are two configurations for hybrid cars. The first configuration uses gasoline engine to run a generator. The generator supplies electricity to the motor, which drives the wheels, which allows the gasoline engine to run constantly while achieving optimum fuel efficiency. This thereby minimizes emissions owing to incomplete combustion. A hybrid car with parallel configurations uses both an engine and a motor to drive the wheels depending on driving conditions. "A hybrid car is an automotive equipped with two or more sources of motive energy" ( Hybrid cars use both gas and electric. The gasoline engine is the primary source of power, while the electric motor is used at low speeds. Emissions levels are reduced because the gasoline engine shuts off at low speeds. An additional benefit of the parallel configuration is that no outside source of electric power is required because the engine itself generates the required electricity. A Hybrid Electric Vehicle known as HEV have several advantages over traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles: Regenerative braking capability, which helps minimize the energy lost when driving. Engine is sized to average load, not peak load, which reduces the weight of the engine. Fuel efficiency is greatly increased, while emissions are greatly decreased. HEVs can be operated using alternative fuels; therefore they need not be depended on fossil fuels ( Another great thing about these machines is the mpg; on the average, a hybrid car gets anywhe re from 55-70mpg on the hwy. This is what makes the car all worth having. Now all this sounds good, but there are some issues that must be addressed. First of all the prices must come down. The prices for hybrid cars are naturally higher because there are no existing facilities for mass production and both engine and electric motor must be installed. Another downfall is the lack of infrastructure for repair and maintenance. Many of the mechanical problems occurring with the hybrid cars may not be repairable at existing service stations.

Chemistry thermo lab, Hess’s Law Essay

Introduction: In this lab, we will be determining the change in enthalpy for the combustion reaction of magnesium (Mg) using Hess’s law. Procedure: 1. React about 100 mL of 1.00 M hydrochloric acid with 0.80 g of MgO. Note the change in temperature and any qualitative data. 2. React about 100 mL of 1.00 M hydrochloric acid with 0.50 g of Mg. Note the change in temperature and any qualitative data. Raw Data: Quantitative: Reaction, trial Mass ( ± 0.01 g) Initial temperature ( ± 0.1à ¢Ã‚ ° C) Final temperature ( ± 0.1à ¢Ã‚ ° C) Volume of HCl ( ± 0.05 mL) Reaction 1, Trial 1 0.80 22.0 26.9 100.00 Reaction 1, Trial 2 0.80 22.2 26.9 100.00 Reaction 2, Trial 1 0.50 21.6 44.4 100.00 Reaction 2, Trial 2 0.50 21.8 43.8 100.00 Qualitative: 1. Hydrochloric acid is colorless and odorless 2. Magnesium tape is shiny after cleaning it from oxidants, increasing its purity. 3. In both reactions, the solution became bubbly. 4. There was a strong odor from the reaction. Data Processing: Trial 1: Reaction 1: First, we have to calculate the ΔT by subtracting the final temperature by initial temperature: 1. 2. 3. Now we calculate the mass of the solution, assuming it has the density as water: 1. 2. 3. 4. Now, we can use q=mc ΔT to calculate the energy gained by the solution: 1. 2. 3. Therefore: 1. Now, we have to calculate the number of moles for MgO: 1. 2. 3. We can now calculate the change in enthalpy by dividing the q of the reaction by the moles of the limiting reagent: 1. Now, we do reaction 2, trial 1 so we can use Hess’s law to calculate the change in enthalpy of formation, but first we are going to calculate the uncertainty in this expression: First, we calculate the uncertainty for the: 1. 2. 3. Now for mass: 1. 2. As for the energy gained: 1. 2. Now for the energy of the reaction: 1. It is multiplied by an integer (-1) so it is the same unc. As for the moles: 1. 2. Finally, the change in enthalpy: 1. 2. 3. Reaction 2: First, we have to calculate the ΔT by subtracting the final temperature by initial temperature: 1. 2. Now we calculate the mass of the solution, assuming it has the density as water: 1. 2. 3. Now, we can use q=mc ΔT to calculate the energy gained by the solution: 1. 2. Therefore: 1. Now, we have to calculate the number of moles for MgO: 1. 2. We can now calculate the change in enthalpy by dividing the q of the reaction by the moles of the limiting reagent: 1. I will now calculate the uncertainties: First, we calculate the uncertainty for the: 1. 2. Now for mass: 1. 2. As for the energy gained: 1. 2. Now for the energy of the reaction: 1. It is multiplied by an integer (-1) so it is the same unc. As for the moles: 1. 2. Finally, the change in enthalpy: 1. 2. 3. Now, we use Hess’s law to calculate the change of enthalpy of formation: 1. MgO(s) + 2HCl(aq) MgCl2(aq) + H2O(l) 2. Mg (s) + 2HCl(aq) MgCl2(aq) + H2 (g) 3. H2(g) + 0.5 O2(g) H2O(l) (given) By reversing reaction number 1, we can get our targeted reaction: Mg (s) + 0.5 O2(g) MgO(s) Now to calculate the change of enthalpy, which will be the change of enthalpy of formation? 1. 2. Our final result is: 1. Mg (s) + 0.5 O2(g) MgO(s) Random error and percent error: We can calculate the random error by just adding the random errors of the component reactions: 1. 2. 3. As for the percent error: 1. 2. 3. Trial 2: Reaction 1: First, we have to calculate the ΔT by subtracting the final temperature by initial temperature: 1. 2. Now we calculate the mass of the solution, assuming it has the density as water: 1. 2. 3. Now, we can use q=mc ΔT to calculate the energy gained by the solution: 1. 2. 3. Therefore: 1. Now, we have to calculate the number of moles for MgO: 1. 2. 3. We can now calculate the change in enthalpy by dividing the q of the reaction by the moles of the limiting reagent: 1. Now, we do reaction 2, trial 1 so we can use Hess’s law to calculate the change in enthalpy of formation, but first we are going to calculate the uncertainty in this expression: First, we calculate the uncertainty for the: 1. 2. 3. Now for mass: 1. 2. As for the energy gained: 1. 2. Now for the energy of the reaction: 1. It is multiplied by an integer (-1) so it is the same unc. As for the moles: 1. 2. Finally, the change in enthalpy: 1. 2. 3. Reaction 2: First, we have to calculate the ΔT by subtracting the final temperature by initial temperature: 1. 2. Now we calculate the mass of the solution, assuming it has the density as water: 1. 2. 3. Now, we can use q=mc ΔT to calculate the energy gained by the solution: 1. 2. Therefore: 1. Now, we have to calculate the number of moles for MgO: 1. 2. We can now calculate the change in enthalpy by dividing the q of the reaction by the moles of the limiting reagent: 1. I will now calculate the uncertainties: First, we calculate the uncertainty for the: 1. 2. Now for mass: 1. 2. As for the energy gained: 1. 2. Now for the energy of the reaction: 1. It is multiplied by an integer (-1) so it is the same unc. As for the moles: 1. 2. Finally, the change in enthalpy: 1. 2. 3. Now to calculate the change of enthalpy, which will be the change of enthalpy of formation: 1. 2. Our final result is: 1. Mg (s) + 0.5 O2(g) MgO(s) Random error and percent error: We can calculate the random error by just adding the random errors of the component reactions: 1. 2. 3. As for the percent error: 1. 2. 3. Processed data: Trial 1 Trial 2 of reaction 1 -104 kJ/mol ( ± 2.10%) -99 kJ/mol ( ± 2.19%) of reaction 2 -463 kJ/mol ( ± 0.509%) -446 kJ/mol ( ± 0.525%) of MgO -645 kJ/mol ( ± 2.61%) -633 kJ/mol ( ± 2.72%) Conclusion and Evaluation: In this lab, we determined the standard enthalpy change of formation of MgO using Hess’s law. First, we reacted HCl with MgO for the first reaction and got -104 kJ/mol ( ± 2.10%) for trial 1 and -99 kJ/mol ( ± 2.19%) for trial 2. As for reaction 2, where you react, I got -463 kJ/mol ( ± 0.509%) for trial 1 and -446 kJ/mol ( ± 0.525%) for trial 2. When we use Hess’s Law, we have to reverse reaction 1 to get the targeted equation, Mg (s) + 0.5 O2(g) MgO(s), and we get an enthalpy change value of -645 kJ/mol ( ± 2.61%) for trial 1, and -633 kJ/mol ( ± 2.72%) for trial 2. For trial 1, my value got a percent error of 7.14%, which is not that bad considering the weaknesses this lab had that will be discussed in the evaluation. However, in trial 2, I got a better percent error, which is 5.15%, we got a better value because we had a bigger ΔH values thus when adding them (since one of them is positive and the other two is negative) we get a smaller value for the enthalpy change of formation thus bringing us closer to the theoretical value. The biggest weakness in this lab was the impurity of the substances, the assumptions that we made about the HCl solution, for example, we assumed that the specific heat capacity of the solution is the same as water, which is an assumption that is not a 100% accurate and affected our ΔH values for both reactions and eventually our final ΔHf value. To fix this, In the different range of specific heat capacity values, 4.10 j/g k would have been more appropriate to get closer to our theoretical values, as you get a bigger qrxn values thus bigger ΔH values. Another thing that I noticed is that the theoretical value that I got was the â€Å"Standard† enthalpy change of formation. Standard meaning at standard conditions which are at 293 K and 101.3 kPa for pressure. These weren’t the conditions in the lab when I did the experiment. This might alter the experimental value closer to the theoretical value reducing the percent error.

Monday, September 16, 2019

British Airways Mission Statement

|Week 5 Assignment: Vision Paper | |British Airways: | |Mission and Vision Statements and Strategy | | | |Aaron Tejares | |HR587 | | 1. Introduction Vision – it tells about what the company wanted to become about 5-20 years in the future. It is the master plan about where the company will be; a sense of direction. Often it reflects the dream of the founder or leader. It must be simple and understandable that everyone in the organization can feel excited on the vision. Mission- It tells about what the company is doing or the company’s passion.It is how the company will get to its vision. It is a  what  versus a  how, and is very similar to a vision statement in that it has a future orientation but in a short-term. Strategy – It is the step by step plan of the company on how to achieve the vision. It looks inside the organization and outward at the competition and at the environment and business climate. 2. Statements Organization British Airways  (BA) is the  flag carrier  airline of the United Kingdom, based in  Waterside, near its main  hub  at  London Heathrow Airport.British Airways is the largest airline in the UK based on fleet size, international flights and international destinations and second largest measured by passengers carried, behind easyJet. The British Airways Board was established in 1971 to control the two nationalized airline corporations,  BOAC  and  BEA, and two smaller, regional airlines, Cambrian, from  Cardiff, and  Northeast Airlines, from  Newcastle upon Tyne. On 31 March 1974, all four companies were merged to form British Airways. (Retrieved from http://en. wikipedia. rg/wiki/British_Airways) Mission: British Airways is aiming to set new industry standards in customer service and innovation, deliver the best financial performance and evolve from being an airline to a world travel business with the flexibility to stretch its brand in new business areas. Vision: Our corporate re sponsibility vision is to become the world’s most responsible airline, and we have developed guiding principles that describe what we are doing to achieve this goal. Strategy: FOCUSED ON OUTSTANDING CUSTOMER SERVICE Meeting the rising expectations of our customers’ remains central to our strategy of transforming British Airways into the world’s leading global premium airline. Our investment in our staff, our fleet and our facilities are all about making sure we provide the very best in customer service. We want all of our customers to enjoy a premium service at every point of their journey, whenever and wherever they travel with us. † Global: What we offer will appeal to customers across the globe. Wherever we operate, individuals and business travelers alike will want to fly with us whenever they can.Premium: We will make sure all our customers enjoy a unique premium service whenever and wherever they come into contact with us. Our customers will recogniz e that the service we offer is worth paying that little bit more for. Airline: We will remain focused on aviation – moving people and cargo is our core business. We will develop new products and services to complement this. 3. Statement Validation a. From a theoretical standpoint, thoroughly explain the value of these statements to an organization. Vision statement is what the company wanted to be. In everything they do, it should be based on its vision.Vision is acting as the light at the end of the tunnel. Vision is not only about growing the company but also its impact in its community. Because a company depends on the people working as well as the customers, it is effective if the vision will affect its employees and customers. Having an effective vision will have the employees something to look forward to, and be motivated to achieve it. Mission statement is a declaration of an organization’s core purpose. It also must be simple for everyone to memorize it. It is the thing that needs to be done in order to achieve the vision.Mission statement needs to be easy to remember and it needs to provide actual direction. Just like the vision, it should also reflect how it will benefit the community and its employees. b. How can the vision, mission, and strategy drive change in the organization? These statements bind the organization for direction and motivation. Any change in the organization will have to coordinate with its vision and mission. It might be to improve the organization and achieve the vision quickly. It might also be because the leadership has change or the entire mission and vision have changed. . How can the vision, mission and strategy statements put limits on the organization when it comes to change? Vision, mission and strategy are what the company wanted to be and how to achieve it. Sometimes, there are better way to do things but is not the way the organization should do things. It limits the organization to change. An organizat ion cannot just change because they wanted to, or they think it will benefit the company. They must think first if it is align with the statements and if not, neglect the change and think of something else.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Capital Budgeting Methods for Corporate Project Selection

Capital Budgeting Methods for Corporate Project Selection In a 2001 Graham and Harvey survey of 392 chief financial officers (CFOs) asked â€Å"how frequently they used different capital budgeting methods? † Approximately 75% of the CFOs replied that they use net present value (NPV) or Internal Rate of Return (IRR) always or almost always (Smart, Megginson & Gitman, 2004, pg. 251). Projects are viewed as capital investments in the corporate world, and as such, are evaluated closely for their possible financial impacts on the â€Å"bottom line† due to their higher risk of failure.Capital investments are those that are considered long-term investments such as manufacturing plants, R&D, equipment, marketing campaign, etc. , and capital budgeting is â€Å"the process of identifying which of these investment projects a firm should undertake† (Smart, Megginson & Gitman, 2004, pg. 227). According to Smart, Megginson & Gitman, there are three steps in the capital budgeti ng process: * Identifying potential investments Analyzing the set of investment opportunities, identifying those that will create shareholder value, and perhaps prioritizing them * Implementing and Monitoring the investment projects selected This paper will focus on step two, and will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the four most common methods that are utilized for evaluating, selecting and prioritizing projects in the corporate world. Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Straight/Discounted Payback Period and Profitability Index are the four of the most come methods used during step 2 of the capital budgeting process.Four fictional potential capital investments will be used to illustrate how the different methods can affect project selection for a portfolio. THEME PARK CAPITAL INVESTMENTS A theme park senior executive management team had four capital projects presented during the last capital budget meeting. The projects are a $250M park expansion, $50M value resort renovation, $500M new moderate resort construction and $200M new value resort construction. All these projects have similar completion time frames and have 20 year life expectancies.Years 1 to 5 cash flows for each project come from the pro formas, and Years 6 -20 are based on an expected 2% per increase in cash flows. The company has $750M to invest on capital projects this year, and they must decide which projects should be approved. NET PRESENT VALUE Net Present Value is the sum of discounted future cash flows and provides the appropriate adjustments for the time value of money. In short, NPV is the reverse of compounding interest, and this process begins with the selection of a â€Å"discount rate. † According to Smart, Megginson & Gitman, pg. 01, â€Å"A project’s discount risk must be high enough to compensate investors for the project’s risk† The discount rate can be based on the inherent risk of a project, the required rate of return on shares, cost of equity, etc. The discount rate should not be one rate for all projects with in a firm, but reflect the nature of the project. The formula for NPV is: In this calculation, CFt represents the net cash flow of the year and r is the selected discount rate. CF0 usually represents the initial outlay to get the project started, and is usually a negative cash flow.As a rule, projects with a negative NPV are not approved, but a â€Å"hurdle† could be set such as projects with a NPV

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Antivirus Programs: Methods and Benefits Essay

Today, people rely on to create, store, and manage critical information, many times via a home computer network information transmited over networks has a higher degree of security risk than information kept in a user’s home or company premises. Thus, it is crucial that they take measures to protect their computers and data from loss, damage, and misuse resulting from computer security risks. Antiirus program are an effective way to protect a computer against viruses. An antivirus program protects a computer against viruses by identifying and removing any computer viruses found in memory, ontorage media, or on incoming files. ! When you purchase a new computer, it often includes antivirus software . antivirus program work by scanning for programs that attempt to modify the boot program, the operating system, and other programs that normally are includes antivirus software . antivirus program work by scanning for programs that attempt to modify the boot program, the operating system, and other programs that normally are read from but not modified. In addition, many antivirus programs automatically scan files (Bulowski) (Bulowski) (Bulowski, Protection and Precaution Keeping Your computer Healthy, 2008)download from the web, e-mail attachment, opended files, and all types of remoble media inserted in the computer (karanos 201 – 205) One technique that antivirus programs use indentify a virus is to look for virus signatures, or virus definitions, which are known specific patterns of virus code. According to Shelly and Cashman (Antivirus Programs), many vendors of antivirus programs allow registered users to update virus signarure files automatically from the Web at no cost for a specified time. Updating the antivirus. Bullowski points out that most antivirus also protect against worms and Trojan horse (55-61).Program’s signature files regularly is important, because it will download any new virus definitinion that have been added since the last update. Methods that guarantee a computer or network is safe from computer viruses simply do not exist. Installing updating and using an antivirus program, though, is an effective techniques to safeguard your computer from loss.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Real Estate Investment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Real Estate Investment - Essay Example Once the situation changes the other way (as it always does), the higher rates of interest in Italy will become predominant & the boom in real estate may receive a setback. There are also several instances wherein the seller turns out to be a fraud, who goes absconding after having got the reservation money. The situation is particularly precarious in the case of costly deals where 20-30% amounts to a large amount of money. Therefore, proper verification of the credentials of the other party is a must in order to thwart such occurrences. It is absolutely true to say that a dollar invested today would have an enhanced worth say three years down the line. But, this case is true provided other factors remain fairly constant. For example, if the political situation or the law & order scenario of an area is not alright or gets worse at any time between these years, then concerns among the buyers or financiers would ultimately work towards the education in the value of the property. In worse cases, the property may become useless such as I the instance of war or ethnic strife. As Italy has been a fairly peaceful nation, this fear is not supposed to dampen the spirits of investors. But nevertheless, one must always take this aspect into consideration at the time of investment planning.The interest rates in Italy hover in the range of around 2%, which is a bit more than that in the US. Therefore, it is advised that anyone desirous of seeking a mortgage especially for costlier properties, conduct an efficient forecast abut h is/her repayment options in order to avoid problems in the future. In spite of the boom in real estate in Italy, homeowners generally buy their property as something to live in rather than regard it as a form of investment. Therefore, when the need arises for selling that property especially after long periods of stay, the property value is set to fetch much lesser than the prevailing market due to any factors such as the age of the property, the amount of wear & tear, the forecast of the repairing costs that need to be undertaken by the buyer in advance etc. Another major disadvantage of investing in homes in Italy is that the majority of the mortgages are based on variable rates and as such, these interest rates keep changing fro area to area or company to company in particular. Therefore, the buyer may end up paying more while seeking a mortgage loan fro one company while there could be others offering it at reduced rates. Thus, this calls for a sense of responsibility on the part of the buyer to have an idea of the interest rates charged by the different mortgage companies. There is also an increasing trend towards direct purchasing through the phone or Internet. There have been instances in the past wherein investors have been duped by phony agents who pose as the real owners of a property or act as mediators. The reason has been attributed to the fault on the part of the investor to verify the authenticity of the property or it sellers. In most cases, the investor does not even inspect the site that is proposed to be purchased. The only solution is to verify the property & its seller either by himself or through trusted representatives, usually one's lawyers.In the case of a seller or in case the

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Why you should be selected to receive this scholarship Essay

Why you should be selected to receive this - Scholarship Essay Example I went on to desire a better standard of living and soon became aware that my occupation was far removed from my intellectual capabilities. It became obvious that the complete realization of my potential demanded an education. Although it takes courage to give up a job and take a new path, I returned to school, confident that success comes to those with the determination to win. This scholarship will enable me to make my college education possible. I am a first-generation college attendee. This makes me deeply aware of the privilege of a college education. My personal and professional experiences have honed my sensibilities and I am able to make the best out of every opportunity in college. I have chosen a Business major, with a concentration in Finance, as I believe that commerce has the greatest potential to contribute to personal satisfaction and to bring about change in the world. I plan to earn a MBA and go on to become an entrepreneur in the field of food service. I believe that my past makes me particularly motivated to make the best of the chances this scholarship will give me. My return to school would not be possible without the support of student loans and financial aid. I am often moved by the generosity of those who are helping me to make my dreams of success a reality. I look forward to a time in the near future when I, as a

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Job description Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Job description - Essay Example responsible for the management of social media sites by tracking and monitoring the companys presence in the social media including Facebook, Twitter, Google plus and others. He or she ensures that only valuable and engaging information is shared to the social sites. He or she monitors the changing social media trends to ensure that the company stays on top of its competition. He or she bears the responsibility for designing and writing protocols, report forms for cases and consent forms used in clinical trials. He or she approves the Ethics committee, develops recruitment strategies for the increment of patient randomization into trials, and manages clinical trials. He or she ensures compliance of the Good clinical practice (GCP) by providing training during start-ups and initiation meetings for the clinical trials. He or she is responsible for the planning and implementation of activities necessary for conducting and monitoring clinical trials. He or she coordinates monitoring of trials by selecting and managing qualified personnel. He or she keeps CVs and training materials for each protocol, and also submits documents that are necessary for initiating the study including CVs and Food and drug administration forms. He or she identifies audit procedures and ensures that only clean data is entered into the clinical database in the appropriate time (Clinical research manager). Social media director can work with the head of human resource department in management of staff within the company. The social media director is responsible for the identification of the companys social media staff and thus may work in the Human resource department as recruitment manager or in the interviewing panel. The human resource department is responsible for personnel activities including the staffing, development, training, rewarding and performance evaluation in every department of the company. The social media director works with the human resource department to ensure that

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

EFFECTIVE THINKING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

EFFECTIVE THINKING - Essay Example E-learning, aided by technology, seeks to prepare learners and equip them with skills conversant with 21st century through continuous learning activities. Kong and his peers embarked on researching the issues and changes needed to achieve the goals of eLearning. With a similar goal, all three articles seek to unmask the opportunities and challenges of technology-assisted learning. The rapid change of technology creates both opportunities and challenges for education in school. Some of the opportunities are the increased access multimedia content and availability of online classes. At the same time, schools have to deal with the challenge of catching up with the digital innovations and changes taking play now and then. According to Kong et al., â€Å"technology plays a crucial role in supporting schools on realizing the desirable learning goals and learning process (71)†. But is this statement really valid? There is a universal perception that implementation of technology in schools improves learning, teaching, and student achievement. People, however, fail to recognize it comes with complexities and challenges. As stated by Beynon, â€Å"how computing technology is conceived may seem to have less practical relevance.† In order to evaluate the worth and benefit of technology, there is need to evaluate some variables embedded in it. The variables are such as access, student background, curriculum content, and teacher preparation. It is necessary to have a computing perspective that integrates human integration with systems in a holistic manner (Beynon 94). In rethinking computing technology, there is no doubt that the current state of technology is inadequate to engage important issues that affect human learning. Educators need to have a comprehensive strategy for a technology-rich future and create an intimate relationship to human cognition if it is to assist learners. It is, however, unfortunate that the current technology strategies are ill-equipped and cannot

Monday, September 9, 2019

People Resourcing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

People Resourcing - Essay Example Different organisations have different ways of allocating jobs and responsibilities to their workers. In many instances, the manufacturing process of a company will be divided into separate tasks that can be carried out by a number of employees. Specialised job responsibilities will allow organisational managers to match employees with tasks that are based on their competencies. This allows for employees to be able to focus on their specific areas of expertise. For instance, a corporation ought to employ engineers to carry out any design responsibilities and business experts cater to promotional aspects instead of giving more responsibilities to the present workers who might have some small talent in any of these areas. The law of comparative advantage verifies that this specialisation will end up yielding a higher output than would be achieved if the company used the existing workers to carry out these extra tasks. With specialised job assignment, every worker is trained to finish j ust one basic function. This is much more cost effective than would be the case if all the workers were trained to be able to work efficiently in more than one task. For example, if a corporation has need of an engineer and a semi skilled worker for tasks at the production line, specialised, in contrast to broad task assignment gives the company the chance to employ one partially skilled worker and one engineer (Von Krogh, 2003). With broad task allocation, the education level needed is typically of the highest level. Therefore, it will be more expensive for the corporation to employ two employees with college degrees than just one. Specialised task assignment is more cost effective than broad task assignment. Specialised task assignments have just one impediment are. This is the fact that they do not retain the knowledge used in some of the creative processes included in the process of manufacturing a product. For instance, if a company’s engineers have to plan for and creat e a new copier but do not take part in the production and advertising functions, they will not have the necessary feedback to create successful merchandise. This feedback will be traduced in consumers’ needs and future market opportunities. In addition, if just one employee is responsible for the assemblage, it is a likely thing that a worker will conduct his or her job with less care than if there were other workers. Also, to cut coordination costs, the functions of specialised workers have to be corresponding. For example, a firm can establish the procedures as well as methods needed to process a definite number of products in a given period of time so that technicians can make use of the same procedures to make other products. This calls for good coordination to exist between various product units. An organisation’s managers also have to ensure that the workers remain focused on their specific functions instead of the overall function of ensuring that the goods they produce are sold. For instance, the performance of the production division of a company could be assessed on the basis of the number of manufactured units, while the marketing division’s performance might be based on the number of transactions made; but if the quality of the goods is compromised, the sales numbers will begin to decline even though the marketing division’s performance stays high. Workers are more likely to develop closer

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Small Group Dynamics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Small Group Dynamics - Essay Example I was considered to be the team leader for my group so I started with the point that I am glad to speak about the industrial training that we have went just before a couple of days. And i also continued with the point that the industrial visit was really a good thing because we were able to gain more knowledge regarding how the telecommunications worked. so i raised a question to my friend arthy asking what she is thinking about the industrial training she was very bossy and adamant so she turned the topic to a different side saying that the training was of no use because we were there hardly for a day and a half. So she also stated that nothing could be possible within that time to learn or to implement things. For which another mate Dhiranya started to tell i am sorry arthy i do go with Dharni because it taught us something. She also said that if you think that we have been there for nothing, so far we were learning about the telecommunications only theoretically so it was of no use to know how the things will look like, only after visiting the place we were able to see some receivers, transistors the network communication and all the other technical things she completed her point saying like this and waited for the reply. There as a leader I have to speak something and i started to stick on to the point and said my friend arthy I too go with dhiranya saying that so far if some one asks us to speak about something regarding telecommunication we would have explained them in a theoretical way but only after the training we could explain them in a better manner for an instance we can even draw and show them the things and the technical machines that we saw there. And I soon realized that Vidhya was left alone without giving her the time to discuss with us and said straightaway to the team stating that let Vidhya have her turn to think about the situation. vidhya started saying thank you for giving me a turn and said that she would go with rest of the team stating that she had some practical knowledge and it was also a useful thing to be included in her study material. She also said that she was able to know certain things that how to sort out a problem for a particular telephone connection among the million wires interconnected there. But suddenly arthy rose to a great height and said if you say so will you be able to set a default tele line straightaway without any help. This was a great conflicting thing to our group and soon accommodating to the situation Vidhya continued and said of course I will be able to do that if I have some proper training as I know where the things lie but the next step of disconnecting and joining the wires would be possible by proper training. Again arthy avoided the point and said so this was entirely a true waste of time. There of course i used my creativity and my bossiness to put a full stop to the point and said it will be a mere waste if you think that the explanations given by the faculty for our lessons are also the same as the training that we visited. Though she was taken aback for a few minutes she was finding her mistake and compromised with the answer that was given by me. So at last she said of course the training was interesting and some what helpful to an extent. But, she looked taken aback and

Curriculum Based Assessment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Curriculum Based Assessment - Research Paper Example The research sought to establish the possibility of developing a formative assessment system. Teachers could use this system to grow their effectiveness in teaching learners with academic disabilities. Eventually, a comparative study showed that teachers were more effective on using this formative model. In this regard, the validity criteria and conventional credibility in writings, expressions, and spellings were emphasized. There were three key questions addressed in creating a curriculum based assessment procedures. This included the mode of structuring the activities of evaluation in order to produce adequate data, the parameters of measuring the results, and the possibility of using the data to grow educational programs (Stecker & Fuchs, 2000, P.130). These questions were answered using a systematic evaluation of three major issues relevant to each of the measures. The logistical feasibility of the measures and treatment of utility or validity of the measures were technically ev aluated. The procedures for developing the assessment have been specified and will be briefly discussed. Definition Curriculum is the content that is organized for delivery to students. It is done with respect to sequence and scope of methods and materials by intended learning results (Lemons et al, 2013, p.450). Curriculum based assessment is a term that is used to refer to school based assessment that evaluates student performance in accordance to what is being taught. Curriculum based test measures the functioning of student in relation to knowledge and skills as outlined in the curriculum. It is noteworthy that the curriculum-based measurement measures the progress and competency of a student in the basic areas of skill such as... This essay approves that curriculum based assessment is an approach to measuring the educational growth of each student. The main objective of the curriculum-based assessment is to assist teachers in testing the effectiveness of the lessons offer to individual students. Curriculum based assessment has both advantages and disadvantages. They are efficient and economical in that most of the important characteristics that are used in developing curriculum based measurement procedures are within the context of the ongoing instructions. This report makes a conclusion that the results of CBM research have provided a ground for developing standardized procedures of measurement used to evaluate the effects of modifying the students’ instructional program. A research on the student’s achievement effects on teachers of special education using these procedures proved that the effectiveness of instruction could be improved by the use of CBM in formative evaluation. The assessment of CBM focuses mainly on reading and math as a basic skill. The broad focus is on the measurement areas, basic skills, behavior and others. The basic skills of reading, spelling, math, written expression and critical thinking skills are assessed. Curriculum based assessment procedures focus majorly on special education planning and development. It is evident that response to intervention is nowadays common. This improves teaching and learning with regard to the effective component of RTI that requires particular attention from admini strators.