Friday, May 31, 2019
Mothers & Daughters Essays -- essays research papers
M former(a)wises and girlfriends have been written about, criticized, publicized, condemned, and praised for a long time. As more and more substantive becomes available on mother-daughter relationships, it becomes apparent that being a mother and being a daughter means different things to different people depending on race, economics, neighborly status and blood type. This paper will explore the meaning of being a mother and being a daughter by combining both of these independent variables. A definition of motherhood and daughterhood will be clearer, however, as experience will tell us, non e rattlingone can be categorized, or tied(p) explained.In "Choosing Consciousness", Elizabeth Minnich describes mothers as".The people who take day-by-day care of children, the ones whose lives are intricately involved with their children, the ones who keep the children safe, who wrestle with their souls and fight with them and love them and try to meliorate them and give up on them and give in to them" (Minnich, 195). In her opinion, as well as many other authors we have read, a mother does not need to be blood related. She only needs to care for her child, be there for her child, and love her child. She is the dominant woman force in her childs life, influencing, teaching and displace an example for her child.This idea is reflected in other cultures as well. In black communities, especially, a mother is not necessarily one who gave birth to her daughter. She is the person who sets examples for the daughter and is there to help coach the daughter through the trials and tribulations of life. "Biological mothers or bloodmothers are expected to care for their children. But African and African-American communities have a wish recognized that vesting one person with full responsibility for mothering a child may not be wise if possible" (Collins, 47).Collins believes that in request to be a mother, you only need to care for a child, and this ide a has been central to African and African-American motherhood. Community outreach and the caring of adjacent women have been very important to the raising of daughters in black communities.Although being a caring and nurturing force in a daughters life is central to becoming a mother, other pieces we have read have supported the idea that a mother needs to teach her child to grow, and then let her go to off to arise her... ...g, ethical, etc." (Flax, 68). Our "eurocentric" perspectives on black mothers have debilitated society from seeing what motherhood really is in African-American communities. As Collins lay out it, "Adhering to these standards brings the danger of the lowered self-esteem of internalized oppression, one that, if passed on from mother to daughter, provides a powerful mechanism for controlling African-American Communities" (Collins, 45). In all that we have read, I have expanded my knowledge about the mother/daughter relationship into realms that I never knew existed. Considering my close relationship with my mother, I was unaware that other relationships like mine existed and that relationships so different from mine were possible. I have enjoyed to opportunity to research into the lives and minds of so many scholars. Viewing these relationships from other perspectives, other cultures and other races has shown me what a mother means to different people with different experiences. The only thing that remains central is the idea that mothers and daughters should nurture each other, comfort each other and, most importantly, learn and grow with each other.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
My Teaching Philosophy Statement :: Education Educational Educating Essays
My Philosophy StatementMethods of how to educate individuals have been studied by many different philosophers in many different ways. I formed my view of method, curriculum, nature of educatees, nature of knowledge, and the purpose of public education, as well as my person career goals from those philosophers. I took different aspects of the philosophies of Plato, Rousseau, Sophistry/Foucault, and Pragmatism/Progressivism to create my own philosophy of education.My first view of method is an idea formed by Pragmatism/Progressivism. Being student centered is one method of effective teaching. I believe that students should enjoy their classes. I think part of being a good instructor is qualification the students want to learn. The most primary(prenominal) person in the classroom should be the student. Teachers should base their lessons around the needs of their students. One way in which a teacher could do this is through group work sessions. If one child were behind in a subject t he other students in the group might be able to help them. Another idea that I agree with is Rousseaus idea that students should learn through experience. I believe that instead of lecturing, students should learn through experience. The students could fix in leaves and study them, instead of just learning roughly them in their Science books. I think having variation in the classroom is also an important method of teaching. Instead of their usual Friday spelling test have a Spelling Bee instead. These are all ways to keep the students interest. The main method I chose for my philosophy is student centered. All other methods I have discussed fall into this category, in which the main focus of the classroom is the students.My next philosophy is on curriculum. I agree with Pragmatism/Progressivism. I believe that the purpose of a teacher is to teach their students how to think. Not what to think. There are several ways to go ab issue doing this. One way is through math, students can be taught how to think through reading problems. One reason schools have many subjects is to make their students well rounded, some other is to help students develop ways to reason. I agree with Rousseaus idea that students should be taught reason so that they can care about and respect others. Through out ones life they need reason to make decisions. I think students should be taught history so that they do not remake the mistakes of the past.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Horror of Christianity Essay -- essays research papers
"A Pagan Joke" A Pagan died and, much to her surprise, represent herself at the Pearly Gates facing St. Peter. He walked up to her and said, "Hello, and welcome." She stared at St. Peter in complete confusion. "Wait a minute," she said. "I was supposed to expiry up in the Summerlands." He smiled. "Ah, you must be one of our Pagan sisters. Follow me, please." Peter gestured for her to follow him down a small path, which went through the supply and down a bit to the left. They walked for a short while, then he stepped back and gestured her forward. Looking past his hand, she apothegm the verdant fields and forests of her desired Summerlands. She saw people feasting, dancing, and making merry, exactly as she expected. While shaking her head in wonder, the Pagan happened to glance over to one side and saw a small group of people a short way away from the edge of the Summerlands. The people in the group were watching the revelers, but not conn ectedness them. Instead, they were screaming and weeping piteously. The Pagan looked at St. Peter. "Who are those people?" St. Peter replied, "Them? Theyre fundamentalists. Theyre a bit surprised to see you all in that respect, so they stand there and carry on like that all day." Why? Dont they have better things to do?"      Peter leaned conspiratorially toward her. "They dont really have a choice. Theyre actually in Hell. beau ideal doesnt like being told what He thinks." I start this paper with this joke to prove a point. When read, pagans, athiests, and those that lie outside the mainstream of saviourianity will enjoy it, while Christian Fundamentalists and Conservatives will think it is in poor taste. Some might go so far as to say My goodness, he is going to step on a lot of toes with that The question remains, though, WHOSE toes, and why does it matter? The answer can be found if we examine the psychology of Christianity.Chri stianity is one of the worlds most widespread and permeating religions, and has been around a good long while. Wherever it goes, it seems to spread and promulgate and overrun. Evangelistic Christians send out missionaries to fulfill one of the commands given to them in the playscript Go ye forth and preach the Gospel to all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Mt. 2819) Christi... ...rt or be ostracized, join or suffer, love Christ or be of the devil, and accept the Church or be destroyed. Not all Christians do this and not at all times. But some Christians do commit acts of destruction and this fearful violence is occurring everyday and has occurred for most of the last two millennia somewhere on our world. The night is black,Without a moon.the air is thick and still.The vigilantes get together onThe lonely torchlit hill.Features distorted in the flickering light,The faces are twisted and grotesque.Silent and stern in the sweltering night,Th e mob moves like demons possesed.Quiet in conscience, calm in their right,Confident their ways are best.The righteous riseWith give noticeing eyesOf hatred and ill-will.Madmen fed on fear and liesTo beat and burn and kill.They say there are strangers who threaten us,In our immigrants and infidels.They say there is strangeness too dangerousIn our theatres and bookstore shelves,That those who know whats best for usMust rise and save us from ourselves.Quick to judge,Quick to anger,Slow to understandIgnorance and prejudiceAnd fearWalk hand in hand.... Neil Peart, Witch course
Euthanasia: Precious Life :: Free Euthanasia Essay
Euthanasia Precious LifeMy impression is that the idea of euthanasia, if not the practice, isgradually gaining credenza indoors our society. People like Jack Kevorkianattribute this to an increasing inclination to devalue human life, but I do notbelieve that this is the major factor. The acceptance of euthanasia is muchmore likely to be the result of unthinking sympathy and benevolence. It is aneasy step from this very human response to the view that if soulfulness would bebetter off dead, then it must be right to kill that person. Although I respectthe compassion that leads to this conclusion, I believe that this conclusion iswrong. I want to show that euthanasia is wrong. It is inherently wrong, butit is also wrongly judged from the standpoints of self-interest and of practicaleffects.Before presenting my arguments, it would be well to define euthanasia.An congenital aspect of euthanasia is that it involve fetching a human life. Also,the person whose life is taken must be som eone who is believed to be sufferingfrom an incurable disease or injury from which recovery cannot reasonably beexpected. Finally the action must be deliberate and intentional. Thereforeeuthanasia is intentionally taking the life of a presumably hopeless person.It is important to be clear about the deliberate and intentional aspectof the killing. If a hopeless person is presumptuousness an injection of the wrong drug bymistake and this causes his/her death, this is wrongful killing but noteuthanasia. The killing cannot be the result of an accident. In addition, ifthe person is granted an injection of a drug that is believed to be necessary totreat their disease or better their condition and the person dies as a result,then this is neither wrongful killing nor euthanasia. The intention was to makethe patient well, not kill them.Every human being has a natural inclination to continue living. Ourreflexes and responses suffer us to fight attackers, flee wild animals, and dodgeout of the way of trucks. In our daily lives we exercise caution and c arnecessary to protect ourselves. Our bodies atomic number 18 similarly structured forsurvival right down to the molecular level. When we are cut, our capillariesseal shut, our blood clots, and fibrogen is produced to start the process ofhealing the wound. When we are invaded by bacteria, antibodies are produced tofight against the alien organism, and their remains are swept out of the body byspecial cells designed for clean-up work.It is enough I believe to recognize that the government activity of the human
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
A Teacher Affects Eternity :: Teaching, Education, Admissions
A Teacher Affects Eternity As graduation was approaching, the question running through my thinker was, What am I going to do with my life? I knew this was an important decision, and I wanted to set out sure I made the right nonpareil. I knew that I wanted to attend college, but I was debating between Physical Therapy, and facts of life. In making this decision, I reflected back to my Junior year in high gear school, when I tutored a Kindergarten class. I hadnt realized the impact that these ten kindergartners had made upon my life. With their cute sayings, their many hugs, and the excitement on their faces when learning something new helped me to decide that Education is what I wanted to do. When I enrolled into college, I realized that becoming a teacher is a very important task. Teachers are forming the mold of future doctors, lawyers, teachers, and much(prenominal) more. When I become a teacher I want to portray positive characteristics that will be benefici al to my students. I want to be the typecast of teacher that shows compassion toward my students. I feel to portray this characteristic I must know each of my students learning capabilities, and what kind of learning strategy full treatment for each child. I feel its my job to make sure that my classroom is a safe haven for each child. I never want one student to be excluded. I feel being excluded would make coming to school a very terrifying experience for the child, and I want to make my classroom comfortable for everyone. I want to continuously go the extra-mile to help my students, and I want them to feel that if they have a problem they can always come to me for help. I want to be the teacher who offers daily cost increase. I feel encouragement is imperative when dealing with children. I feel they need encouragement so that they know they can accomplish anything they set their mind to. I want to be the teacher who makes phone calls home to parents to tel l of the accomplishments that their sons/daughters are achieving. I feel that giving encouragement will make my students work harder, and they will be more successful.
A Teacher Affects Eternity :: Teaching, Education, Admissions
A Teacher Affects Eternity As graduation was approaching, the question running through my question was, What am I going to do with my life? I knew this was an important decision, and I wanted to amaze sure I made the right unmatchable. I knew that I wanted to attend college, but I was debating between Physical Therapy, and study. In making this decision, I reflected back to my Junior year in spirited school, when I tutored a Kindergarten class. I hadnt realized the impact that these ten kindergartners had made upon my life. With their cute sayings, their many hugs, and the excitement on their faces when learning something new helped me to decide that Education is what I wanted to do. When I enrolled into college, I realized that becoming a teacher is a very important task. Teachers are forming the mold of future doctors, lawyers, teachers, and very much more. When I become a teacher I want to portray positive characteristics that will be beneficial to my studen ts. I want to be the emblem of teacher that shows compassion toward my students. I feel to portray this characteristic I must know each of my students learning capabilities, and what kind of learning strategy whole kit and caboodle for each child. I feel its my job to make sure that my classroom is a safe haven for each child. I never want one student to be excluded. I feel being excluded would make coming to school a very terrifying experience for the child, and I want to make my classroom comfortable for everyone. I want to ceaselessly go the extra-mile to help my students, and I want them to feel that if they have a problem they can always come to me for help. I want to be the teacher who offers daily hike. I feel encouragement is imperative when dealing with children. I feel they need encouragement so that they know they can accomplish anything they set their mind to. I want to be the teacher who makes phone calls home to parents to tell of the accomplish ments that their sons/daughters are achieving. I feel that giving encouragement will make my students work harder, and they will be more successful.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Immigration at Ellis Island Essay
Specific Purpose to inform my audience about the immigration process at Ellis Island Central melodic theme The immigration process at Ellis Island had four main stairs arriving at Ellis Island, the medical exam exami acres, interrogation, and actually leaving the islandMethod of Organization chronologicalIntroduction piddle you ever wondered where your family history lies and how your ancestors ended up in the States? Well, chances are that your ancestors traveled to America and entered through Ellis Island in New York City. Ellis Island opened on January 1, 1892 and became our nations most popular immigration station. Up until its closing in 1954, the station processed over 12 million immigrants. In order to sire a citizen, though, there were four main steps in the process of immigration at Ellis Island arriving to America, a medical examination, interrogation, and actually leaving the island.Transition graduation I get out tell you about the first step of immigration.BodyI. T he first step in the immigration process at Ellis Island is actually arriving to Amrtica. a. at a time the ship arrived in New York Harbor, inspectors came on board to inspect the first and second class passengers. i. The inspectors checked for any contagious diseases plague, measles, and typhoid fever, as sanitary as others. ii. If any passenger was suspected of having a disease, they were sent that on to Ellis Island, which happened very rarely. iii. According to, the theory was that if a person could afford to procure a first or second class ticket, they were less likely to become a public charge in America due to medical or legal reasons. b. This first step was far different for steerage or third class passengers. i. After the first and second class passengers disembarked in the harbor of New York, the third class passengers were then sent to EllisIsland for a thorough inspection. ii. They were transported to Ellis Island by a ferry that could take only 30 pa ssengers at a time. iii. Before boarding the ferry, each emigrant received a nametag with their individual manifest number that was then stuck to their clothes.Transition Next I will tell you about the second step of immigration.II. The second step in the immigration process at Ellis Island is the medical examination. a. Once on the island, the immigrants were viewed quickly by doctors to look for weakness, heavy breathing, which was an indication of heart problems, and signs of mental illness. b. After every immigrant passed, a doctor with the help of an interpreter examined the hair, face, neck, and hands of every person. i. If the doctor observe whatsoeverthing abnormal, he would write a letter on the immigrants clothing as a sign that an area needed to be checked more thoroughly. ii. About 2 of 10 immigrants got a letter on their clothing. iii. This check was known as the six second physical.c. Next was the eye exam.i. The eye doctors searched for a disease of the eyes called trachoma, which is an eye disease that can cause blindness and can lead to death. ii. According to the Ellis Island information website, the nearly 50% of those who had to be examined upgrade before registration was due to this eye disease. d. If an immigrant had other diseases or was too sick or weak to manage work, they were not allowed to enter the United States. i. hurl children 12 years of age and older were sent back by themselves to their home country. ii. Children under 12 years of age that were not allowed to stay in the United States were forced to go back with one parent.Transition Now I will tell you about the third step of immigration.III. The third step in the immigration process at Ellis Island is interrogation. a. After the check-up with the doctors, the immigrants were sent to the registry room to stand in lines to wait for the interrogation. i. Here the inspectors would double check the name, age, religion, existresidence, sex, civil stats and if the immigrant should meet up with some other relative. ii. Every inspector had only approximately two minutes with each immigrant to determine that the information was position and that the person could take care of himself and fulfil the demands to be able to stay in the United States. iii. Due to the time with each immigrant being short, this is where the spelling of some immigrants names would end up being spelled wrong.Transition Lastly, I will tell you about the fourth and utmost step of immigration.IV. The fourth step in the immigration process at Ellis Island is getting to leave the island. a. After approval and receiving their landing card, it was time to prepare to leave the island and continue to their final destination. b. Before leaving the island, immigrants were able to exchange money, buy travel tickets, and claim their luggage. i. Immigrants were able to exchange gold, silver, and foreign currency for American dollars. ii. For those immigrants who wanted to travel to further cit ies outside of New York would buy sort out tickets to get to their destination. iii. After everything was said and done, immigrants were able to claim their luggage and leave the island.ConclusionWith their landing card, American money, train ticket, and luggage in hand, the immigrants were ready to leave Ellis Island and embark on their journey in America. If you are ever bored some Sunday afternoon I suggest going to Ellis Islands website where you can enter your ancestors name and do a passenger search. According to, today, over 40% of Americas population can trace their ancestry through Ellis Island. I found all of my great-great grandparents names and their information on the manifest sheets, and it truly is astonishing to see.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Floor Cleaning Process
II. FLOOR CARE, CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE A. Floor Cleaning Process B. Stripping/Wet Scrubbing Procedures Submitted by MC GERALD G. SALDO Submitted to Mrs. Juliet P. Diloy November 26, 2012 III. FLOOR CARE, CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE G. Floor Cleaning Process A. STRIPPING FLOORS Stripping is the elimination of embedded dirt, oil and old layers of taradiddle finish and sealer. The mold completely brisks and prepares floors for the application of new coats, floor sealer or floor finish ( wax ). Floor stripping products are enjoymentd for this purpose. Supplies and Equipment NeededMopMop stuffer guide GlovesFloor Stripper or PolisherWax Remover Steps Procedures First, clear the area of dirt and spots so that the dirt/soil willSweep or vacuum the floor thoroughly. Remove sticky deposits or not be absorbed by the stripping solution. material with a putty knife. Place a caution quality to prevent slips on the floor. Place the sign in the working area Wet floor, watch your step. devise the stripping solution.The dilution will depend on the Mix 1 g bothon of floor stripper to 4 gallons of water in a bucket, degree of soil. Heavy soil needs higher dilution. for each floor area of 250 square meters. Dilution sometimes varies for different typecasts of stripper. Read the instructions on the label. Dip the mop on the solution. Do not squeeze the mop. allot the solution and cover the whole area. Soften the old film to make stripping easier to accomplish. Spread the solution on the floor with a mop and let it be absorbed for 10-12 minutes. Scrub the area thoroughly from the farthest to the nearest. Use a floor machine with an abrasive pad or brush, depending on the type of floor. Pick up the softened and suspended film, dirt and soil. Use a mop or use a wet-dry vacuum. Rinse the floor thoroughly. Remove all cleaning solution, using a clean mop. Use a different mop for rinsing. Make sure the coats are even. Let the floor dry completely. at once dried, the floor is now ready for the application of wax or floor finish. STRIPPING TIPS 1. In case of particularly stubborn residuces (example in the commercial sector) use undiluted if required. 2. Do not allow stripper to dry out on the floor. For this reason, work in sections. . Before stripping floor coverings (e. g. , rubber flooring), subdue for color and material fastness at an inconspicuous spot. If necessary, dilute Stripper even more and apply several times using a shortsighted standing time. 4. Wear rubber gloves during use and ensure that the rooms to be treated are well ventilated. Do not spray sensitive surfaces (e. g. , wood, metal, stained surfaces) with the cleaning or stripping solution. 5. Store stripping solution in a cool, dry place in, closed, original container. Keep it locked and out of the reach of children. B. shut FLOORS seal off follows stripping. A floor sealer-chemical is applied on the floor to protect the surfaces and to act as a bond be tween the floor sealer and the finish (wax). Sealing helps to smoothen rough surfaces and scratches. It also protects the floor of other types of floor abuse thereby enhancing its appearance. Supplies and Equipment Needed Wet Mopplastic liner Sealer solution Steps Procedures 1. Prepare the floor area. Place the caution sign in a visible location. Put supplies and equipment in the floor area to be sealed. Put plastic theme (liner) into the empty bucket that is to be used for the sealer solution, then pour sealer into the lined bucket. Using the plastic bag liner keeps the bucket clean and keeps the sealer from becoming contaminated with any residue that might be in the bucket. 2. Dip the damp mop head into the bucket with a sealer. Wring out gently such that the mop head is wet but does not drip. 3.Trace/outline the entire area to be sealed. Start in superstar of the baseboards in the farthest corner of the room. If the entire area cannot b e out-lined before the sealer dries, apply the sealer to the floor along the baseboards covering as a great deal of the traces/outline as possible. 4. Apply the sealer to the floor area. Work by sections, do a side to side motion, starting from the farthest corner and miserable backward toward the door. Overlap the strokes. Avoid having puddles of sealer on the floor. 5. Allow the floor to dry completely before applying wax. If recoating is needed, follow the same steps above stated. majority rule of the Philippines CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY (CvSU) Don Severino de las Alas Campus Indang, Cavite ((046) 415-0010 / 415-0011 ((046)415-0012 Email Address emailprotected com STRIPPING SEALING FINISHING MAINTAINING
Saturday, May 25, 2019
A Modest Proposal
Belliveau Patrick A00156136 ANGL 1042 November 7, 2011 As much the same as different A Modest in cardinalt is an unrealistic everyy conceived attempt to documentation an eye on an unprovoked, cheap and reasonably way to convert the esurient children of Ireland into Sound and partful members of the common wealth. speedy explains how children across the country atomic number 18 impoverished because their families be in both case suffering to keep them materialed and fed. A humbled proffer pre-sents argu ments for the human beingsy advant eons on raising the children to be sold for a great deal of funds as food.He expresses himself with such confidence when telling his fel-low compatriots an easy way to reduce poverty and over universe of discourse. The nigh ironic thing about A tame end is that it is non spiritless at altogether. It is a chilling and insane musical theme to raise children to be eaten. A Mild tinge sarcastically proposes that Caucasian s choose a night to come-on in a a few(prenominal) slow plenty into their homes and poison or kill them by any means necessary. DuBois chose to ironically publish about the lines that sullen nation were having that was to a fault frequently ignored, such as racism. atomic derive 53 of the near ridiculer parts of the essay is when the speaker says The next morning there would be ten million funerals, and therefore no Negro problem. Think how quietly the thing would be settled It is an ironic notion be-cause it should be the separate way around, the whiteness heap should be the ones overture up with ways to rid the world of sinister people and not the nasty people themselves. It is un-conceivable that this black man is suggesting these ideas and make them sound so sim-ple, when all of their lives, black people down for been fighting to be respected.The essay ends with everybody breached and disgusted at what the one-sided man verbalize they should do with all black people, which is as come up an ironic idea, analyzeing most of these people had racist attitudes to begin with. The one similarity between A Modest device and A Mild Suggestion that sticks out most is the fact that both propositions are savage and frightening, but at the same term, ostensibly not serious. They both sound insane, which has the ratifier in shock throughout each essay. While reading both papers, people found themselves saying this man tin flush toiletnot be serious. The writers are trying to present the people from that time realize that some of their problems capacity not be so terrible. For example, the pocketable old dame in A mild suggestion who at the start of the essay was being racist, went back to her room horrified and not saying a devolveword after earreach what the colored man thought we should do with black people. As for A modest plan people back in that time might catch wor-ried about the unretentive and the problem with overpopul ation. Once hearing about keisternibal-ism and selling children as food for a profit, they may have started thought twice about how serious this problem in truth was at the time.Another common thread in both these essays is the fact that they talk about human beings as numbers, no depend what their color. brisk writes about how to be intimate down poverty and overpopulation by raising children as food, and DuBois writes about how to get rid of the numbered black people around the world. both(prenominal) writers show their disgust DuBois at racism and quick to the Irish peoples not being able to mobilize on their own behalf. One of the differences between these two essays are the people in which their mes-sages are aimed for. A mild suggestion for example was aimed to help white readers possess the answer of washables more seriously, and for black people to have a greater sense of ra-cial pride. As for A modest purpose, this essay was more oftentimes than not aimed at the compatriots of the time. These essays warn the population that instead of leting what is most humane, natural and common, people who conceive theoretically and speculatively to solve a problem may end up thinking of the unthinkable. excessively in sprys essay it is mostly a speech through first person, bit DuBois makes use of the characters.A modest proposalA modest proposal BY green0784 A Modest Proposal In his satirical essay A Modest Proposal, Johnathan lively examines discussion of the poor in Ireland during the eighteenth century l have been assured by a very knowing American of my acquaintance in London that a immature healthy child, well nursed, is, at a year old, a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food whether stewed, roasted, baked or boiled, and I make no doubt, that it impart equally serve in a fricassee, or ragout. ( agile 763) In his essay, Swift accounts a repulsive suggestion or dealing with the children of the poor in Ireland. Swift describes i n detail how poor children should be raised and sold to the flush at age one. He details how the children should be and how they should be prepared for the cockeyed to consume. Swifts abhorrent proposal for the poor children not only points out the awful treatment of the poor in Ireland during the eighteenth century, but to a fault Irelands inability to ponder a more desirable plan for the poor.His use of statistics and graphical depiction of the poor childrens lives adds to the credibility of his essay. In the beginning of the essay, Swift describes the streets of Ireland as crowded with beggars of the womanish sex, followed by three, four, or six children, all in rags and importuning every passenger for an alms. (Swift 762) Approximately 120,000 children are born annually to parents in poverty and the poses of these children are squeeze into begging for money Just to care for their children.He backs up these facts with detailed approximations of the number of children born into poverty l again subtract fifty thousand for those women who miscarry, or whose children die by ccident or malady within the year. There only re chief(prenominal) a blow and twenty thousand children of poor parents annually born. (Swift 763) Swifts main goal of his essay was to convince the the people of Ireland that the treatment of their poor was unacceptable.By his graphical depiction of the arrangement for the poor children, Swift is able to add to the credibility of his essay. Swift first describes the use the children will have for society under his plan Those who are more thrifty will flay the carcass the skin of which artificially dressed will ake admirable gloves for the ladies, and summer boots for fine gentlemen. (Swift 764) He thus explains how the children will be raised and sold once they reach the proper age and weight. l have already computed the charge of nursing a beggars child to be about two shillings per annum, rags included and I believe no gentlema ns gentleman would repine to give ten shillings for the carcass of a good fat child, which, as I have said, will make four dishes of nutritive meat. (Swift 764) Swift then describes how the way in children will be prepared This food would to a fault bring great customs to averns, where the vintners will certainly be so prudent as to procure the best recipe for dressing it to perfection, and consequently house frequented by all the fine gentlemen, who Justly value themselves upon their knowledge in good eating. (Swift 766) Swift writes his essay in a way that will attract readers to his essay and give more credibility to his essay. He does this by the use of a vulgar depiction of his plan for the poor and his use of statistics to back up his facts. Swifts tone throughout the its country and come up with a offspring to the problem.A Modest ProposalMany mistake t for only being utilise as a mean to make mockery and act upon a serious situation into a humorous one. It is positive ly applied to get us thinking and to help us understand the point from which the satirist is coming from. One satirist who, gruesomely but hard-hittingly, managed to push his point across to us by his shrewd application of satire in his work, is Jonathan Swift. In his widely studied A Modest Proposal he used many satirical devices such as irony, juxtaposition and understatement to help his essays purpose and issue sound deeper and better thought-out.This technique helps him achieving his goal of swaying us to his side and accepting his opinion. His use of irony is splattered all over the essay and many examples can be found. This helps us have a better understanding of the situation because his irony highlights the underlying events he wants us to take note of. There is wishwise another great advantage in my scheme, that it will prevent those voluntary abortions, and that horrid practice of women murdering their bastard children, alas Too frequent among us Sacrificing the poor in nocent babes This is very ironic because how is killing them to eat at the age of one not sacrificing the poor innocent babes? This makes the readers start questioning Swift and his scheme but too makes us think that if this is the hypothetical perfect tooth root, then how bad are the actual affirmable ones that are out there? accordingly theres the overall irony of the whole piece Swift actually says what he means, but says it as if hes numerate-of-faculty defending an unthinkable idea.He points out that the country has no culture or industry, that children as nouns as six are taught to steal, that a member of the ruling class spends more on one meal than it follows to move over and clothe an Irish child for a year or even years, that Irish women are driven to abortion or infanticide because they cannot afford to support their children. The reader inquires to look beyond the proposal Swift appears to be making to the hard facts he presents. Jonathan Swift could never be a ccused of writing too simply. A Modest Proposal brims over with complex sentences and subordinated clauses, combining and juxtaposing Swifts stated opinions with those of his acquaintances. Swift begins his treatise (essay) by describing, in general terms, the overpopulation and resultant poverty Of Ireland and his plan for a solution As to my own part, having turned my thoughts for many years, upon this important subject, and maturely weighed the several schemes of our projectors, I have always found them grossly mistaken in their computation.It is unfeigned, a child just drop from its dam, may be supported by her milk, for a solar year, with little other nourishment at most not above the value of two shillings, which the mother may certainly get, or the value in craps, by her lawful occupation of begging and it is on the nose at one year old that propose to provide for them in such a manner, as, instead of being a charge upon their parents, or the parish, or wanting food and ra iment for the rest of their lives, they shall, on the contrary, contribute to the feeding, and partly to the clothing of many thousands. . do therefore humbly offer it to public consideration, that of the hundred and twenty thousand children, already computed, twenty thousand may be reserved for breed, whereof only one fourth part to be males which is more than we allow to sheep, black Attlee, or swine, and my reason is, that these children are seldom the fruits of marriage, a circumstance not much regarded by our savages, therefore, one male will be adequate to serve four females.That the remaining hundred thousand may, at a year old, be offered in sale to the persons of quality and fortune, through the kingdom, always advising the mother to let them suck plentifully in the last month, so as to render them plump, and fat for a good table. A child will make two dishes at an entertainment for friends, and when the family dines alone, the fore or hind quarter will make a reasonable d ish, ND seasoned with a little pepper or salt, will be very good boiled on the fourth day, especially in winter. Swift then juxtaposes his own proposal with his acquaintances idea of replacing teenagers flesh in place of venison within the national diet, admitting that he finds this idea cruel A very worthy person, a true lover of his country, and whose virtues I highly esteem, was lately pleased, in discoursing on this matter, to offer a refinement upon my scheme.He said, that many gentlemen of this kingdom, having of late destroyed their deer, he conceived that the want of venison might be well played by the bodies of young lads and maidens, not exceeding fourteen years of age, nor under level so great a number of both sexes in every country being now ready to starve for want of work and service And these to be disposed of by their parents if brisk, or otherwise by their nearest relations.But with due deference to so excellent a friend, and so deserving a patriot, I cannot be alt ogether in his sentiments for as to the males, my American acquaintance assured me from frequent experience, that their flesh was generally tough and lean, exchangeable that of our school-boys, by continual exercise, and their taste disagreeable, and to fatten them would not function the charge.Then as to the females, it would, I think, with humble submission, be a loss to the public, because they soon would become breeders themselves And besides, it is not improbable that some scrupulous people might be apt to censure such a practice, (although indeed very unjustly) as a little bordering upon cruelty, which, I confess, hath always been with me the strongest objection against any project, how well so ever intended. This juxtaposition has the potential of either confusing the reader as to what Swift s attempting to say or helping the reader see that Swift does not actually mean this but is merely trying to state a fact in an indirect and slightly confusing manner. Swift also makes use of bland understatement to advance his proposal the organized cannibalism of poor children.The opening sentence to his introduction, It is a melancholy object an Rigors understatement because the scene he proceeds to describe is more tragic than merely melancholy. Whether this is sarcasm or not is up to us as readers to decide but it is definitely an understatement. This device could have been used by him to either express how this serious topic is taken lightly or to emphasize on how bad the situation actually is.A modest proposalThese terrorists not only threaten the people they hostage, but also the citizens of the place where they held the crime, because this means that anyone could be a victim. An example to this is the bombing of the Twin Towers of the knowledge domain Trade Center that happened last September 1 1, 2001. Four passenger airplanes were by al-Qaeda terrorists In order to perform a suicide bombing. twain of the planes landed on the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center and within a couple of hours, both towers collapsed.The fires ND the falling debris caused a domino effect on the WTG complex and resulted in more damage and injuries. The other plane landed on the west side of the Pentagon (the headquarters of the get together States Department of Defense), that lead to a significant damage which was repaired within a year. The last plane was targeted to Washington, D. C. , but the passengers were able to take over the hi-Carjackers. The plane crashed Into a field in Pennsylvania. Another problem Is that people smuggle Illegal Items or products overseas. One method Includes holding drugs Inside their clothing.They hide It underneath the cloth so that x-ray from the scanning machines would not pass through and not detect the drugs. When the person carrying drugs enters another country, it means that he could sell or take in the drugs in that country. If he gets caught and is proven guilty, he is deported, because drug-traffi cking violates the International Law, which recognizes and stops international crime. These problems can be avoided with a solution. graduation exercise, the terrorist attack can be avoided if the hi-Carjackers were not permitted to enter the united States in the first place.Before entering the plane, they must have carried weapons which they used to hi-Jack the plane. The terrorists have managed to sneak the weapons In their luggage or clothing and pass through the security screenings. By the same logic, the drugs were not confiscated because they were not detected. I propose that a new law be passed, which requires everyone to not wear anything if they relish to travel by air. These papers are to be put in a tran relinquishnt envelope which will be provided by the immigration.They are not allowed to bring their cell phones because they can use Hess phones as a trigger for a bomb. The passengers are not allowed to bring any bags with them in the airplane. A different section of t he airport will be assigned to screening the bags only and these bags will be put in a separate plane and the passenger plane and the cargo plane will leave at the same time. To ensure the identity of the bags and of the person, both will have their mental images taken upon arrival. Each picture will be attached to a wristband which contains a barded specific to the person and the bag only.There are a lot of advantages in this new regulation. First of all, air-conditioning is not contracted anymore, either in the plane of in the airport, because people will be butt- naked anyway, so they dont extremity cold air. Less air-conditioning is also conserves energy and reduces the effects of global warming. A lot of politics funds will be saved because metal detectors and x-ray scanners are not necessary. The money saved can be used in other sectors which need more resources, such as education, insurance, and national security.Not wearing anything would also spare the security f arres ting people who do pranks in airports and bring illegal items which violate the rules of the airport. This will save energy and time which could be fatigued in doing other productive activities. The people wont have to wait in lines which cause delay, which makes the system more efficient. The passengers will also save money on clothes since they dont need them that much. Tourism will also increase because of this phenomenon, and as a result of increase in tourism, more Jobs will be take a shitd, which decreases the unemployment rate.Without any terrorism threat, there would e happier citizens living in peace. However, some disadvantages arise despite these benefits. Nudity makes other people uncomfortable and it encourages immorality. But a rebutter to this argument is that animals do not wear clothes all the time, and they do not get disturbed by the image they see. We should be more like them and appreciate what is given to us. This solution might not be acceptable to other peo ple, whom I understand, and there are real solutions which are acceptable to all. Tighter airport security should be the main objective.The regimen must invest on up-to-date equipment for canning. They should invest on efficient people, and efficient and high-quality machines. The government should also consider redesigning or renovating other airports that need repair. Benefits of the renovation of some airports may provide more Jobs, thus, lessening the unemployment rate. An increase in the production of materials for the repair will result in increase in national output. This increases the GAP, or the Gross Domestic Product of that country, and also other countries which provide other raw materials, equipment, and labor. WORD front 967 WORDSA Modest ProposalAssignment 1 Surprise Ending in The Modest Proposal Syreeta Bruster prof Lynn Wilson World Cultures II bombilate 112 November 12, 2012 A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift is a satirical story with lots of sarcasm. This pro posal was written to shock or force the government into a reaction. As the government read his proposal it should bring about a response. This proposal suggests a barbaric solution that amounts purely to cannibalism. Mr. Swifts idea is to help end poverty and decrease the amount of women beggars by eating babies of the poor.He devised a plan where he would take 20,000 babies and decide how many would be sold, how many would be breeders thus creating a balance between rich and poor. Mr. Swifts plan would give the poor a means of income and the wealthy would get a fine and delicate meal. He stated that feeding on Irish babies was a treat and the face should be honored to spread on the babies. Swift based his proposal on facts and figures of many years of analyzing the situation. He does seem well educated and well versed on his proposal. He noted several benefits and advantages to his proposal.Some of those benefits included women being more loving towards their children. Another be nefit would be more marriages happening with men catering to their wives while they were pregnant. Swift also quoted a friend that was a modern day swindler. The friend was supposedly from Formosa and told a story where 18,000 young boys were sacrificed to the Gods and Priests. The Gods dined on the hearts and the Priests dine on their bodies. Swift suggested his proposal was a good solution because the landowners had already eaten the poor people alive, so to speak.The unfair and unjust treatment of the poor people suggested this proposal could be a way out for them. Swift had calculated the cost to feed these babies and with the proposal these surplus of children would not be a burden or anyone, not their parents or the landowners or the government. As a matter of face the landowners could take the babies as payment if the rent was not paid. Swift wanted to elicit such a response that the government would see just how awful they have treated the Irish in this country.They should serve by coming up with a more logical and reasonable plan to care for the beggars and poor people of the land. Although his barbaric proposal was written while he suffered a disease that made his mind alter from stable to unstable it was concluded by most that he was not crazy when this proposal was written. It is not certain whether he accomplished what he intended to with his proposal however with the intensity and factual way he presented his proposal I can understand why people would want to follow his train of thought.It was quite easy for Swift to manipulate the facts to fit such a Modest Proposal. Before people sincerely realized what he was actually meaning to do with these babies it could have sounded like a solid plan. In my opinion we need more persuasive people, like Swift, with such passion to give a sort of wake up call to humanity without actually eating our babies. We need to construct a more compassionate and solid plan with regards to how we treat people whether poor or rich that is far from Swifts proposal.Being eaten alive is not necessarily an actual act but more of a sarcastic statement of how one can be treated. I dont believe anyone ever real took into account the proposal in actual humane terms. I do feel that it made not only the government react but also his peers and other constituents. References Johnson, James William (1958), Tertullian and A Modest Proposal, Modern Language and Notes (The Johns Hopkins University Press) 73 (8) 561563 Swift, Jonathan. A Modest Proposal. Victorian Web. http//www. victorianweb. org/ . Web. Viewed November 3, 2012.A Modest ProposalBelliveau Patrick A00156136 ANGL 1042 November 7, 2011 As much the same as different A Modest Proposal is an unrealistically conceived attempt to find an easy, cheap and fair way to convert the starving children of Ireland into Sound and useful members of the common wealth. Swift explains how children across the country are impoverished because their families are too poor to keep them clothed and fed. A modest proposal pre-sents arguments for the many advantages on raising the children to be sold for a great deal of money as food.He expresses himself with such confidence when telling his fel-low compatriots an easy way to reduce poverty and overpopulation. The most ironic thing about A modest proposal is that it is not modest at all. It is a scary and insane thought to raise children to be eaten. A Mild Suggestion sarcastically proposes that Caucasians choose a night to lure in a few black people into their homes and poison or kill them by any means necessary. DuBois chose to ironically write about the problems that black people were having that was too often ignored, such as racism.One of the most satirist parts of the essay is when the speaker says The next morning there would be ten million funerals, and therefore no Negro problem. Think how quietly the thing would be settled It is an ironic notion be-cause it should be the other way around , the white people should be the ones coming up with ways to rid the world of black people and not the black people themselves. It is un-conceivable that this black man is suggesting these ideas and making them sound so sim-ple, when all of their lives, black people have been fighting to be respected.The essay ends with everybody shocked and disgusted at what the colored man said they should do with all black people, which is also an ironic idea, considering most of these people had racist attitudes to begin with. The one similarity between A Modest Proposal and A Mild Suggestion that sticks out most is the fact that both propositions are savage and frightening, but at the same time, obviously not serious. They both sound insane, which has the reader in shock throughout each essay. While reading both papers, people found themselves saying this man cannot be serious. The writers are trying to make the people from that time realize that some of their problems might not be so terrible. For example, the little old lady in A mild suggestion who at the start of the essay was being racist, went back to her room horrified and not saying a word after hearing what the colored man thought we should do with black people. As for A modest proposal people back in that time might have wor-ried about the poor and the problem with overpopulation. Once hearing about cannibal-ism and selling children as food for a profit, they may have started thinking twice about how serious this problem really was at the time.Another common thread in both these essays is the fact that they talk about human beings as numbers, no matter what their color. Swift writes about how to cut down poverty and overpopulation by raising children as food, and DuBois writes about how to get rid of the numbered black people around the world. Both writers show their disgust DuBois at racism and Swift to the Irish peoples not being able to mobilize on their own behalf. One of the differences between these two es says are the people in which their mes-sages are aimed for. A mild suggestion for example was aimed to help white readers take the issue of race more seriously, and for black people to have a greater sense of ra-cial pride. As for A modest proposal, this essay was mostly aimed at the compatriots of the time. These essays warn the population that instead of allowing what is most humane, natural and common, people who conceive theoretically and speculatively to solve a problem may end up thinking of the unthinkable. Also in Swifts essay it is mostly a speech through first person, while DuBois makes use of the characters.A Modest ProposalIf there is one event that haunts this writer to this day, it was the time when he talked with a crime victim, whose fear in the eyes was staggering.The victim shall never be named for the reason that being victimized by a crime is such an intimate matter, the secrets of which are usually well-guarded by the people who experience them. Anything that we imagine that we know about others is best known to them. So, crime is their personal experience, no matter what. However, that is not a reason for society to remain uninvolved.The rate of crime and violence in our society continues to escalate, and if we do not act with active deliberation, then all of us will become part of that silent and ashamed community of helpless victims.We have every reason to interfere. Most of us go through life believing that crime and violence will never happen to us. But it does, and by the time we want to actively prevent crime, it is often too late. A friend, a loved one we all have already been victimized.The problems of others must be guarded by us in all sincerity. This is to ensure that the problems would not spread like plague among other members of other communities. Therefore it is incumbent upon us to stop crime in its tracks lest it spreads like wildfire to create a conflagration too big and terrible for any one of is to try to stop.Life is too rich and joyful to be spent on clamant spells and martyrdom. Indeed the misery of crime victims and their loved ones deserves justice, each and every one of them. So let us give these crime victims and criminals alike what they deserve justice, the swift and instant type that will sow fear in the hearts of the cold-hearted criminals and give a sense of retribution to those who have suffered in the hands of these flinty criminals.What would it take to eradicate crime and violence? Well, first of all, we would have to fight crime and violence in the frontline, and use the weapons that they have against them. Fear has always been an effective deterrent of any action.People are paralyzed by fear, and that is true of hardened criminals as well as unsuspecting victims. Indeed we are lucky that we are in this position, to use fear to turn a dire situation around and use it to our advantage. With a thankful attitude, therefore, we should not want to fall into the gob of crime and vi olence by refusing to use violence ourselves.The proposal then is to kill anyone on sight anyone who has been seen endueting a crime, regardless of the type of crime, no questions asked. both type of crime must be given swift retribution, no matter how small or petty, the punishment is death on sight, no deliberations, and no hesitations.How does it work? Simple. The person witnessing the crime is sanctioned by the state to kill the criminal or suspected criminal on sight. If the victims are able to do it themselves and kill their attacker, then so much the better however, that is not possible in most cases, so anyone can do it, before, during, and after the crime has been riveted. What would it cost us to directly kill criminals? None at all. In fact society stands to gain so much more by doing so.The most important advantage would be the elimination of crime because criminal would be too scared to commit violence or any illegal act. The decision to commit crime and violence is generally regarded as a product of rational thinking.As such, it is with certainty that crime and violence can be best prevented through immediate, swift punitive action. These forms of punishment or retribution will discourage criminals because they fear the punishment more than they want to commit the illegal acts.The choice to become a criminal is largely dependent on the threat of punishment or being caught. If they think they will not get caught, then they will commit a crime without hesitation. But if we send the message that the price for crime is death, then that will change the scenario altogether. If criminals know what is at stake, then they will quaver and think if the benefits of the crime outweigh the risk involved.All of us, even the most hardened of criminals value our lives. Nothing is more incomparable. And if we kill criminals on sight, then the fear of possible death would deter would-be criminals from ever doing anything bad. They know the consequences of doin g so, and the risk is too high, even for anti-socials and repeat offenders. Hopefully, these people will regard their lives as too precious to be wasted on empty and meaningless violence and crime. As previously mentioned, use to fear to sow fear, violence to stop violence.Most criminals believe that they can get away with violence because the law takes too long to arbitrate and dispense justice. When justice is delayed, it is indeed denied for the victims, and the delay encourages criminals to keep on doing what they feel they have gotten away with. And that is the root of our endless problems with crime and violence our deliberate approach to justice has been ineffective because while it means well, it inadvertently protects the criminals.Killing criminals on sight addresses the issue of dispensing justice and preventing crime and violence all at the same time.An accidental, but nevertheless important benefit of this proposal involves cost-effectiveness. When we kill criminals on sight, we would eliminate the need for a penitentiary system. The cost of building and maintaining prisons is very high and eats a lot of state resources. If all criminals are killed, then jails would no protracted be needed, and the funds used for the upkeep of prisons and the care of prisoners could then be channeled for more productive ends.Moreover, because there is no penitentiary system to maintain, the citizens will no longer have to subsidize its costs and that could translate to lesser taxes. Lesser taxes would mean more disposable income for the family. When there is more money to go around, the spending power of every household is increased, which can very well improve our countrys overall economy.The existing prison facilities can then be converted to other money-making facilities such as museums, spa and wellness centers, theaters, shops, and other similar places. This one benefit alone can bring about a cascade of benefits that can have far-reaching and long-lasting effects.A Modest ProposalAssignment 1 Surprise Ending in The Modest Proposal Syreeta Bruster Professor Lynn Wilson World Cultures II HUM 112 November 12, 2012 A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift is a satirical story with lots of sarcasm. This proposal was written to shock or force the government into a reaction. As the government read his proposal it should bring about a response. This proposal suggests a barbaric solution that amounts purely to cannibalism. Mr. Swifts idea is to help end poverty and decrease the amount of women beggars by eating babies of the poor.He devised a plan where he would take 20,000 babies and decide how many would be sold, how many would be breeders thus creating a balance between rich and poor. Mr. Swifts plan would give the poor a means of income and the wealthy would get a fine and delicate meal. He stated that feeding on Irish babies was a treat and the English should be honored to feast on the babies. Swift based his proposal on facts and figures of many years of analyzing the situation. He does seem well educated and well versed on his proposal. He noted several benefits and advantages to his proposal.Some of those benefits included women being more loving towards their children. Another benefit would be more marriages happening with men catering to their wives while they were pregnant. Swift also quoted a friend that was a modern day swindler. The friend was supposedly from Formosa and told a story where 18,000 young boys were sacrificed to the Gods and Priests. The Gods dined on the hearts and the Priests dine on their bodies. Swift suggested his proposal was a good solution because the landowners had already eaten the poor people alive, so to speak.The unfair and unjust treatment of the poor people suggested this proposal could be a way out for them. Swift had calculated the cost to feed these babies and with the proposal these surplus of children would not be a burden or anyone, not their parents or the landowners or the government. As a matter of face the landowners could take the babies as payment if the rent was not paid. Swift wanted to evoke such a response that the government would see just how awful they have treated the Irish in this country.They should respond by coming up with a more logical and reasonable plan to care for the beggars and poor people of the land. Although his barbaric proposal was written while he suffered a disease that made his mind alter from stable to unstable it was concluded by most that he was not crazy when this proposal was written. It is not certain whether he accomplished what he intended to with his proposal however with the intensity and factual way he presented his proposal I can understand why people would want to follow his train of thought.It was quite easy for Swift to manipulate the facts to fit such a Modest Proposal. Before people really realized what he was actually meaning to do with these babies it could have sounded like a solid plan. In my opinion we need more persuasive people, like Swift, with such passion to give a sort of wake up call to humanity without actually eating our babies. We need to construct a more compassionate and solid plan with regards to how we treat people whether poor or rich that is far from Swifts proposal.Being eaten alive is not necessarily an actual act but more of a sarcastic statement of how one can be treated. I dont believe anyone ever really took into account the proposal in actual humane terms. I do feel that it made not only the government react but also his peers and other constituents. References Johnson, James William (1958), Tertullian and A Modest Proposal, Modern Language and Notes (The Johns Hopkins University Press) 73 (8) 561563 Swift, Jonathan. A Modest Proposal. Victorian Web. http//www. victorianweb. org/ . Web. Viewed November 3, 2012.A Modest ProposalBelliveau Patrick A00156136 ANGL 1042 November 7, 2011 As much the same as different A Modest Proposal is an unrealistically co nceived attempt to find an easy, cheap and fair way to convert the starving children of Ireland into Sound and useful members of the common wealth. Swift explains how children across the country are impoverished because their families are too poor to keep them clothed and fed. A modest proposal pre-sents arguments for the many advantages on raising the children to be sold for a great deal of money as food.He expresses himself with such confidence when telling his fel-low compatriots an easy way to reduce poverty and overpopulation. The most ironic thing about A modest proposal is that it is not modest at all. It is a scary and insane thought to raise children to be eaten. A Mild Suggestion sarcastically proposes that Caucasians choose a night to lure in a few black people into their homes and poison or kill them by any means necessary. DuBois chose to ironically write about the problems that black people were having that was too often ignored, such as racism.One of the most satiris t parts of the essay is when the speaker says The next morning there would be ten million funerals, and therefore no Negro problem. Think how quietly the thing would be settled It is an ironic notion be-cause it should be the other way around, the white people should be the ones coming up with ways to rid the world of black people and not the black people themselves. It is un-conceivable that this black man is suggesting these ideas and making them sound so sim-ple, when all of their lives, black people have been fighting to be respected.The essay ends with everybody shocked and disgusted at what the colored man said they should do with all black people, which is also an ironic idea, considering most of these people had racist attitudes to begin with. The one similarity between A Modest Proposal and A Mild Suggestion that sticks out most is the fact that both propositions are savage and frightening, but at the same time, obviously not serious. They both sound insane, which has the reader in shock throughout each essay. While reading both papers, people found themselves saying this man cannot be serious. The writers are trying to make the people from that time realize that some of their problems might not be so terrible. For example, the little old lady in A mild suggestion who at the start of the essay was being racist, went back to her room horrified and not saying a word after hearing what the colored man thought we should do with black people. As for A modest proposal people back in that time might have wor-ried about the poor and the problem with overpopulation. Once hearing about cannibal-ism and selling children as food for a profit, they may have started thinking twice about how serious this problem really was at the time.Another common thread in both these essays is the fact that they talk about human beings as numbers, no matter what their color. Swift writes about how to cut down poverty and overpopulation by raising children as food, and DuBois wri tes about how to get rid of the numbered black people around the world. Both writers show their disgust DuBois at racism and Swift to the Irish peoples not being able to mobilize on their own behalf. One of the differences between these two essays are the people in which their mes-sages are aimed for. A mild suggestion for example was aimed to help white readers take the issue of race more seriously, and for black people to have a greater sense of ra-cial pride. As for A modest proposal, this essay was mostly aimed at the compatriots of the time. These essays warn the population that instead of allowing what is most humane, natural and common, people who conceive theoretically and speculatively to solve a problem may end up thinking of the unthinkable. Also in Swifts essay it is mostly a speech through first person, while DuBois makes use of the characters.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Ethical Dilemma Essay
In searching for a solution to the ethical dilemma of fauna factories using antibiotics to keep animals well, I think there is only one solution that is to stop buying animal products that come from these places. The hard part is acquiring more people to follow suit. The hard part about getting people to stop buying a certain product is that consumers gullt always know the risks or problems associated with a certain product, in this case, meat that is tainted with antibiotics.When consumers in the United States go to the grocery store or market, we are so hurried in our lives that checking where the food comes from often is not of importance. If consumers are to lay down a change, they first need to be educated, and this takes time, so mortal has to get the word out, and on a large scale. I would contact major media sectors and draw their attention to the problem. I would check out Internet sources and make blogs or posts of my own. I myself would become an educated consumer and stop buying these products.I would speak to medical professionals such as my family physician to ask about the emf dangers of eating meat and poultry that had been fed antibiotics, and I would change my diet accordingly. I might even get my own hens if my metropolis allowed that in city limits, and I would suggest to others that they do the same. I would share what I know with others and refuse to buy products from animal factories. This is the power that I hold as a consumer, and I would utilize it to solve this ethical dilemma.
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